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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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Tomorrow starts my final week of radiation! As of this coming Friday, I will officially be done with treatment! How can it be?! I’ve been teary all day thinking about heading into my final week. All of this-from finding out about the cancer on June 22 until now has felt like a whirlwind that still doesn’t feel real. Did they really find invasive breast cancer in my body? Have I really gone through surgery & treatment and am now walking towards the close of this season? It has all been one big blur, but the one thing that stands out-is how Jesus showed up for our family through each one of you. Jesus carried us every step of the way…and He used YOU. “Thank you” feels so incredibly insufficient to express how grateful we are for the one million ways that you have shown up for me…for us…in this season. I won’t always remember the details of all the appointments and tests, but I will certainly remember the people holding our hand, crying with us, dropping things off I didn’t even realize that I needed, dropping little “happies” for the kiddos, cards in the mail, text messages, meals, the daily prayer alarm that reminded you all to daily pray for me, the millions of ways I saw Jesus in your faces and in your thoughtfulness and in your encouragement.

I’ve been told the fatigue will probably hang around several weeks post treatment, but I’m just elated to soon put my daily trips to the hospital behind me…to finally wrap up the “Radiate Conference.” ;)

We would treasure your prayers as we head into this last week of radiation, that as a dear friend said so well, “the radiation would do no more and no less than what it needs to do.”

Also, my sleep at night has been messed up…I’m wondering if perhaps this is due in part to my napping each day after treatment…Or perhaps the medication they’ve put me on the help prevent reoccurrence? Will you pray for deep sleep at night?

As we step into this new phase in the cancer world, I think I’ll see my team (surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologist, radiologist) often to ensure the cancer is not coming back. That’s a hard new reality…the return of cancer will always be a question in the back of our minds…BUT it occurred to me today what a gift that is too. Anything that reminds us that this is not our Home, that this world is transient, and that our life here is a mist and vapor is a good gift.

 My days are numbered, and so are yours. Today I’ve been given more time…more time to better know my Savior, and make Him known. And what a gift that is! But with or without cancer in my body, I’m on a shot clock. We all are. I will now just live in the ever present reality that every breath is borrowed and oh how I want to be found faithful.

As one of my favorite hymns says:

“Holy Spirit, lead me onward

Walking through the great unknown

Trusting, leaning, holding, clinging

Till the day you lead me home”

I will be forever grateful for you walking through cancer with us!

Here’s to the final week of Radiate 2021,


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