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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Giving a little update on Lance. To all you who have been continuing to pray for us and being the hands and feet of Jesus to us through meals, cards, words of encouragement we greatly appreciate you and are able to stand because of you all. May the Lord Bless you!

Lance started school doing half days and a few full days here and there. He isn't taking naps anymore during the day but then by evening he is very worn out and tired. His muscles are coming back nicely, and he is at his weight before sickness which is such a wonderful site. We continue to meet new doctors and I am amazed at how God is still answering my prayer the day we took Lance to the hospital I cried out to Jesus asking him to prepare the way for us to be cared for by good doctors and that prayer is still being answered. We met with his brain doctor, and he listened to us and explained the brain to us for an hour. We felt heard and our questions were answered. Lance had a normal exam at which we are completely overwhelmed by Gods goodness and grace towards us and Lance's life. He continues to have no lasting effects. Lance doesn't struggle with headaches near as often and this is a direct answer to prayer. Lance also past his second hearing test which brings tears to our eyes because we know so many of you who have walked this road struggle with hearing. We continue to take one day at a time keeping a schedule very flexible. We do notice his body wearing out much quicker than normal. We will have another MRI in the next couple of months and you can pray that the fluid will be gone in Jesus Name. We all including Lance struggle with the aftermath of the storm. One can chose to act like this never happened or one can get deep and deal with the heart issues. 

I did struggle many days in a row wondering where Jesus is and wishing He would just remove the mountain instead He calls us to climb it. As I struggled Jesus was silent and I began to doubt and after a sister prayed over me that evening, I got glimpse of Jesus's face looking at me with deep grief and then my mind was given this song "Does Jesus Care." 

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained, too deeply for mirth and song? When the burdens press, and the cares distress and the way grows weary and long?

Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary. The long night dreary. I KNOW MY SAVIOR CARES!!!

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