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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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After being gone almost an entire month in the hospital, Kristy came home this past week to a house full of balloons, cards, and crazy dogs happy to see her. She will report back to the hospital again this week for her second follow up appointment. If everything goes well there is a possibility the drain tube in her abdomen will come out which would be the last attachment from this surgery that she would have. She has spent most of this week resting on the couch with our dogs fighting over who gets to be the one laying beside her. They know something is up with mom as they’ve never left her side. Sitting is hard for Kristy as she has always been on the go, or doing some task around the house, so this has been difficult to let others do what she normally would. I’ve advised her numerous times that rest is extremely important right now as her body has been through a lot of difficulty the past two years. We need her to be healthy long-term, and not focused on helping out the family by overexerting herself in the short-term.  To that extent, and due to several people asking to provide a meal, we have added on an additional week of meal sign-ups on the meal train page, just click on the ways to help link and select the meal train option and select a day. Kristy can’t eat any spicy foods or uncooked vegetables as those types of foods are too hard on her system right now so please make sure it’s more of a bland type of food, like chicken and rice, mashed potatoes, etc etc. 

I can not thank everyone enough for all your donations, food, prayers, cards, texts and visits over this process. It has been a tremendous blessing that we can never repay. Please know that we love and thank you for being a part of this journey and we ask that you continue to do so as she continues to heal up from this surgery. 

Thank you and have a great week!

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