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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I am writing this on what my children call "Easter Hamilton."  I do not know why.  Maybe because I have some friends who call the night before Christmas Eve, Christmas Adam.  And so my kids thought we could just make up a name for the night before things?  Or maybe because once a few years ago I won the "lottery" for Hamilton tickets in Chicago (two $10 tix), but the show as a Sunday matinee on Easter?  I didn't go to the show. 😭  Seriously, I don't know.  But happy Easter Hamilton.  With my background in philosophy, I consider myself a reluctant Catholic.  But I do feel something very intense and holy about the celebration of Easter.  I also like the heathen traditions of egg hunting and Bunnies with baskets.  I actually googled the origins of these traditions, and it's very interesting actually.  I recommend it.  It's more than just fertility and the renewal of the earth in spring time, like you'd think.

What am I even talking about?  Who wants an update?  Disney was Amazing.  We did every ride we ever wanted to do.  All our favorites and many new things we had never done.  We were given the disability pass and jumped the line all over.  We visited all of the Gold Statues celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Disney World. 

We had also spent a few days on the beach before Disney.  The weather was a bit on the chilly side, but we managed to get in the water a few times.  Just listening to the waves all night in our ocean view room was enough.  Strolling on the beach was also absolutely lovely.   

The time between the trip and my surgery in December was SO BUSY!  Annie was in the Nutcracker for the first time as a Ballet Company dancer.  She performed en pointe (on her point shoes) so that was absolutely thrilling!  We even had my bestie from Florida and her mom come to see it! 
Surgery was totally fine.  My doctor performed the surgery with I guess you'd call it robot arms.  It was all done laparoscopy, so very minimal scarring.  I went home a few hours after surgery.  Recovery was mostly dealing with the bloated feeling of having gas in my abdomen.  It was sorta painful and sorta just annoying.  They put the gas in to help with the surgery, and anything they don't remove will slowly dissipate after a week or so.  The hardest part of recovery was the restrictions on my activity.  I felt fine but really couldn't do very much.  I walked as soon as doctor said I could.  I started doing light yoga, without putting any strain on my abs.  (I was so sad not to be holding planks 😋 ).  But the big problem was, I had signed up to do the Disney Half Marathon at the end of February.  I needed to start running or I would die on that course!

Those of you on Facebook have already seen my victory lap pictures from those races.  I did a 10K on Saturday and a Half Marathon on Sunday.  Me.  I did that!  I have done this challenge before.  In 2020, in fact.  Right before the world ended.  So I like being able to say, I ran the Princess Challenge in 2020, had cancer in 2021, and ran the Princess Challenge again in 2022!  Cancer can't stop me!  (Definitely slowed me down, but we don't need to talk about that 😂) 

So what comes next?  Am I done yet?  Is this over?  Almost.  On Monday, day after tomorrow, I have my final (🙏) surgery for reconstruction.  I have been walking around with these tissue expanders for like nearly 9 months.  They gots to go.  Just to remind you, I had a bilateral mastectomy in June, and they put in temporary implants at that time due to my need for radiation.  You don't want to radiate the nice new ones!  My girls are currently different sizes and not symmetrical.  They also feel so weird.  Many of you know this because I've made you touch them to see!  How can I describe it?  Maybe like 1980's Tupperware?  The kind with the lid that you can push in and it pops back out?  They are not completely full so there are times when I'm laying down and there is a flat or misshapen spot.  And the ports to fill them feel like buttons.  Yes.  I push them.  Nothing happens.  I thought maybe I would turn into a Fembot like from Austin Powers.  No such luck.  I keep pushing them anyway. 

I don't know what exactly to expect from recover, other than I will have limited activity for 6 weeks.  I'm hoping just a week of riding the couch, but I've learned that my plans and my expectations are pretty useless in these cases.  However, I've heard this is a much easier surgery.  Fingers crossed.  My parents will be here to help this week, so kids are covered!  Wish me luck!

Brag time: Harrison has been reading like CRAZY!  Sure, I bribed him with a stuffed animal.  But he caught the bug.  He's reading all the time now.  "Mom, if I read these 3 books, can we go see the new Dr. Strange movie."  Uh, like I wasn't going to take him to that???  "I suppose if you read ALL THREE books, we can go see the movie." ;)  He's also still loving drums, just decided to play trumpet in the 5th grade band next year, and has joined a soccer team!  This is huge.  Harry told me when he was 5, "Mom, I'm more of a science kid.  Not a sports kid."  Kudos for the self-awareness.  He is the son of a science guy, so I get it.  But he has really grown in self confidence this year.  I am so proud of him for wanting to try something new.  Something he used to think was out of his reach or not his thing.  All the sudden his schedule has gotten so busy.  I'm so happy for him!

Janey has started her second year on the Lacrosse team; she's still dancing 3 days a week and competing with the Performance team recently earning a High Gold in competition!  She's in choir, and has joined the Drama Club at school.  She loves being on stage!  After last year's success with Seussical the Musical and MacBeth, she's ready to take the theater world by storm.  This summer she will be taking not one but TWO camps with the Illinois Shakespeare Festival.              

Annie has given herself over completely to the dancing world.  Another one who loves the stage.  This is her second year on the Ballet Company at Twin Cities Ballet.  Just today she was invited to join the Senior Company.  This is such an honor for her, and she is absolutely thrilled!  She is also on the Competitive Performance Team as well.  At the first competition of the year she placed 2nd overall in her age group and earned a Platinum on her solo.  We have two more competitions coming up, and both girls are excited!  She is still playing Oboe in the school band and is excelling in all her classes.  They all are.  Happy healthy busy kids

As the year came to an end, over Christmas Break, we had time to reflect over the year.  This all started on January 5th after all.  Harry told me he had a GREAT year.  The BEST year ever!  I mean...😝 Sure dude.  It was the best year!  OMG, it kind of was!  I survived Cancer last year.  I had it, dealt with it, and moved on.  That was awesome.  But what I take from Harrison's comment is that I totally won at Momming last year.  I worked SO HARD at making the kids' lives normal, maybe even EXTRA busy, so they didn't have time to notice how tired or icky I felt.  It worked.  Harry thought his year was great.  I count that as a huge win.  All I want is happy kids, and I got 'em.  And now I get more years to watch them grow.  Whew, she got sappy there at the end, right?

Thank you for being with me on this journey.  Thank you for sticking with me, even when I went radio silent.  For all the encouragement along the way, for all the food and thoughtful gifts and cards.  Thank you.  I am trying to pay that kindness forward with each new person I meet who now has to fight this awful disease.  I see you.  I'm here for you.  It is scary, but you are not alone. 

Ope, it's after midnight.  Happy Easter.  😍   

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