Help Kristen Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Kristen’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 19 donors who have made a donation in honor of Kristen.

Love you to pieces Kristen and Tim's pretty good too . there are no words to describe how passionate we are for you and this challenge . Oh, I guess those were the words. You're strong. You're amazing . You're touched by God . YOU ROCK
lauren white | Jun 30, 2021
Thinking of you…
Carol And Drew Merritt | Jun 23, 2021
Thanks for the update! So pleased to hear some positive news! Prayers continuing.
Jacky Meehan Nace | Aug 2, 2020
I can never re-pay you for all you gave to me!! Love you!! Hope this helps!! Rita
Rita Kimak | Jul 3, 2020
You will beat this! Love and prayers coming your way.
Mary Barber | Jun 25, 2020
Ed and Dotti Hetnar | Jun 24, 2020
Kristen you are a rock You are the sweetest most sincere person I have ever met. An Angel. You have my prayers , support and love, Kim
KIm Pontello | Jun 23, 2020
With love and prayers from the Copelands
Mary Jo and Barry Copeland | Jun 23, 2020
Dear Kristen, Darling Woman, I join my voice to the chorus of many whose voices swell in your behalf. Hug you tight.
Love, Christine | Jun 23, 2020