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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

Krishna hasn't added requests yet
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A picture is worth a thousand words.  Krishna is at home tonight.  The doctors released him this evening.  He has made so much progress in the past three days, they felt comfortable for him to come home.  We are over the moon.  

Krishna still has a long road to recovery.  He needs to gain his strength and mobility as well as heal internally from the magnitude of his operation.  We also need to protect him from any exposure to COVID, especially with the Delta variant spreading right now.  Because of these factors, he cannot have visitors in person right now.  We will work to set up times he can Zoom or FaceTime with you so you can catch up with him. Thank you for understanding.

It has been a long haul, but God has been present through every moment.  If you ever doubted there was a God, Krishna is living proof that there is One.  Please take the time each day to connect with God and pursue your relationship with Him.  The Creator of the universe wants nothing more than to spend time with you. You need to be reading your Bible and praying.  It will transform your life.  If this is new to you, start with just a few minutes each day reading in John and telling God about your hopes, fears, and dreams.   Don't get so busy that you have time for everything else except Him.  If we are lucky, we may have 80 - 100 years on this Earth, and then what.  Is that all?  Absolutely not!!  God has a future for us all.  It is a future of eternity living a life of joy, full of love and everything good.  However, He will be the center of that joyful, eternal life.  He won't take you where you don't want to go.  If you don't have time for Him here, He won't force you to live in eternity with Him.  Please don't miss out on that for the fleeting pleasures and cares of this world.  Especially, if you have children, think about the future you want for them.  Bring them up knowing about their Lord and Savior.  They will follow you.  Lead them to a life knowing that they were created by a Loving God who has a purpose for their lives and wants to spend Eternity with them giving them everything good.  What good does it do them if they gain the world, but lose out on Eternity with their Creator.  If you think you are on the right track, ask God to reveal to you if you are.  If you are not sure if you are on the right track, ask God to reveal the direction you should be going.  Keep asking until you are sure He has answered you and then keep heading in the direction He points you to.  He will guide you every step of the way just as we have seen Him guide and work in Krishna's life.  Our greatest desire is that we all be together in heaven one day. 

Your prayers have been powerful.  Thank you, again!!!

God is the God of all power and might.  We are forever grateful to our AWESOME GOD!!!!!

I claim for us Exodus 15:11

Who among the gods
    is like you, Lord?
Who is like you—
    majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory,
    working wonders?

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