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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Hello from Kim

To say the last three weeks or so have been a whirlwind would be an understatement.  I went from knowing I had cancer to not having cancer (knock on wood) within 9 days!  I really believe that God planned to have everything happen so fast that I (and my family) didn’t have time to think about the “what ifs” and to worry about what may happen.  It’s strange because I am a worrier, ever since I can remember I worry about the littlest things.  My mom once gave me a plaque with a little bear on it that said: “There is nothing that you can worry about today, that God can’t handle.”  Not once during this whole ordeal have I felt an overwhelming sense of worry, maybe a little worry, but not as I would typically experience.  Since the day I found out that it could be cancer,  to the day that Ron and I drove to Rochester to go to the Mayo Clinic for the consult with the surgeon when I heard the song Morning Has Broken (one of my mom’s favorite songs) on the radio,  to the day they called with the Pathology report, I have had an abnormal (for me anyway) sense of peace.  Tonight as I sat at Holy Thursday mass, I questioned if I was worthy of God’s healing.  Me, a sinner, a person whose faith waivers was given the gift of healing.  I was able to have my feet washed tonight, I have always wanted to have that done.  What a humbling experience as the priest poured water over my foot and dried it carefully and tenderly with a towel, it brought tears to my eyes.  Jesus came to serve, not to be served.  He came and He died for us that we may live.  He gives us Himself in the Eucharist so that we may have Him with us always and that we may share His love with others. You have all been like Jesus to me and to my family over the past 3 weeks.  I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, support, prayers, thoughts, well wishes, cards, food, rides for the kids, etc.  I never knew so many people cared about me, some people that I barely know have reached out in prayer and support.  I told a close friend that it is hard to accept help from others, that I don’t feel worthy of so much love, support, and help.  In her wisdom she reminded me that I would and have done the same for others, to allow people to bless me now, to let them feel the love and fulfillment of helping me.  Let them be like Jesus to me.  Jesus has never been more present in my life than right now.  He is in each one of you that asks me how I am doing, that brings a meal to our family,  that gives my kids a ride to or from school or practice.  He is present in the text messages, cards, emails, posts, hugs, etc.  I am beyond blessed and humbled by all of you showing Jesus to me and I cannot thank you enough.

On a lighter note, I have told my kids that our house has never been so clean (thanks to my awesome sista in-laws for hiring a cleaning lady for me for a couple of weeks and for cleaning up before I came home from the hospital) and we have never eaten so well for so many days in a row – that they had better appreciate it!!! 

Next up on my cancer journey: I was able to get in with a Genetic Counselor next Thursday already!  They had told me it would be summer before I could get in, however they happen to have an opening next Thursday (God making things happen fast once again).  Once I have the results from the genetic testing we will post an update – but that will be awhile.  Until then, thank you from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING.  Thank you for being Jesus to me and to my family. 

Easter Blessing and love,


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