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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Since it’s been 6+ weeks since her last update, here are the “bullet points” of how Kimberly’s treatment has progressed.


  • Kimberly wrapped up her final two rounds of the first chemo drug (Red Diva, her nickname for it!) on August 22.
  • The final round was especially difficult, resulting in being in bed for four straight days.
  • Unfortunately, she also developed hand & foot syndrome at the end of Red Diva. This is a chemo-induced reaction that caused large blisters on her feet and made walking quite painful. The blisters are still healing, but she is doing her best to maintain a decent level of activity.
  • She is now two rounds (out of 12) into her second drug (Paclitaxel/Taxol). This drug is also administered via her port and she goes weekly (as compared to every other week, which was the protocol for Red Diva).
  • Thankfully, the side effects of this second drug are less, at least as of now – so she’s ecstatic that she can be more involved in LIFE again! 😊


  • After “embracing the shave” in June, Kimberly’s hair continued to thin & fall out until it finally all washed away on July 29th.
  • Although she did all she could to prepare for complete hair loss, it was a difficult/traumatic time. She is thankful that she was at their cabin, allowing herself to grieve as she looked at the lake while washing her hair away with an outdoor hose.
  • She has learned that the support you can offer to someone experiencing this loss is a gift – and vows to use this experience in her life to encourage others who are facing the same (or similar) trials.


  • Please pray for the second round of chemo to continue with minimal side effects. As the drugs build up in her system, the cumulative effects make it harder on the body – pray for her body to be strong.
  • Please pray for her long-term emotional health & well-being. Pray that she can trust the Lord’s plan for her life each day and not get overwhelmed with fears of the future.
  • Pray for the necessary healing as she waits for her next surgery, which will include breast reconstruction and the removal of her ovaries/fallopian tubes.
  • Pray for Joel and the boys, that they can provide the support she needs while at the same time receiving the support that allows them to be there for Kimberly.

Once again, thank you for the prayers, texts, meals, gifts and words of encouragement. Kimberly (& family) are so incredibly grateful for their tribe of caregivers!

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