Help Kent Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Kent’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Kent.

Kelly Stoks | Dec 30, 2022
We are daily praying for Kent's recovery and strength for Julie and the caregivers to achieve that end. Ar Dette & Jerry Gustafson
Ar Dette & Jerry Gustafson | Dec 2, 2022
Our prayers are with you, Kent, and Julie through this journey in your lives. We love you both.
Carol, Leonard and Bryan | Nov 29, 2022
I can't wait to talk to you and to see you when you are better. We have kept up with Julie's Beautiful tributes to you and updates on you during this journey. Take Care Kent Julie God Bless you for having such strength through this all!!
Pam and Jim Ische | Nov 16, 2022
Keeping you in prayer, rejoicing in each accomplishment you have mastered. You have come a long way, keep fighting.
Dick & Karen Jordan | Nov 7, 2022
As I read your latest share, my heart was fearing this. So sorry with prayers for a quick recovery.
patty miller | Nov 6, 2022
Joanne | Oct 24, 2022
Prayers are with you.
Georgia and Joe | Oct 10, 2022
Darrell Test | Oct 1, 2022
Praying so much for Kent's journey of healing and God's plan in his life. He and your family have been such a blessing in the lives around you. Such a shining example of perseverance and trusting the Lord no matter what. So wonderful to hear every update!
Nathaniel Vadnais | Jul 23, 2022