Help Kendra Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Kendra’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 35 donors who have made a donation in honor of Kendra.

Kim DiBari | Dec 7, 2021
Dearest Kendra, we always will remember you jumping out of the San José restaurant with your sister to catch snow on your tongues. You may not remember this so many years ago. We are praying mightily for your full recovery.
Natalie & David | Dec 1, 2021
Dear Kendra, today Susie read your message during Flex on zoom. I was impressed with your strength and your faith. I´m praying for you and I will keep doing it everyday. Big hug!
Lidia Ortiz Lacasa | Nov 29, 2021
Praying for you!
Trista Maestas | Nov 24, 2021
I am praying for your complete healing and for comfort for you and Michael as well as our whole family. We love both of you.
Jan Gomez | Nov 21, 2021
Dear Kendra, I too have a storm in my life, and I'm so grateful for your inspiring words. I will be praying right along with you and for you and your family!!
Love From Linda Covington | Nov 20, 2021
Dear Kendra, I will pray with all my heart that God will heal you and that he will let you fulfill your dreams.
Ana Lopez-Atienzo | Nov 20, 2021
Jon Cox | Nov 19, 2021
Dear Kendra and Michael, we are holding your family close in our prayers and asking our faithful savior Jesus to heal Kendra. Your entry and prayer is truly an example of a humble servant and inspiring. Love Michael, Kristen and Harry OConnor
Kristen O'Connor | Nov 19, 2021
May the God of miracles continue to inspire you both. Love, Chuck and Daryl
Chuck ad Daryl Fleming | Nov 19, 2021