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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Hello everyone,

I am way, way overdue for an update so please forgive me as I was waiting to give a one-year, post-transplant status with definitive news this past May.  Unfortunately the results of the one year check ups, which involved a bone marrow biopsy and PET scan, didn't get finalized until earlier this month.  Before I get into any details, let me say first off that from a medical standpoint, my recovery has gone well and I am feeling well physically.

I am so thankful to share with you that in May my bone marrow biopsy came back clean with no signs of leukemia and my DNA still 100% that of my son Andrew's.  Praise God!  However, my PET scan revealed some enlarged lymph nodes with slight activity as well as another area with potential concerns.  There was no clear indication that either of these findings were caused by AML, and on their own they wouldn't normally be of much concern.  But since my AML had presented very abnormally, my oncologist said it was possible that these findings could be from cancer.  We wanted to rule out any remote chance that the disease had returned so we decided to do another PET scan 6 weeks later to measure any change, and then proceed with a biopsy if things had gotten worse.  Best case scenario, things would have settled down which would rule out a return of cancer.

Much to our surprise, the activity had slightly increased and so I met with a specialist to pursue a biopsy.  However, from that visit we decided to wait another 3 months to again measure change in activity.  I was assured that if there was any cancer causing this, no significant time would have been lost by waiting 3 more months.

Pausing here in the story, the analogy of this journey being a marathon really proved true.  I had been very much wanting to hear at the one year mark that I was in the clear and still in remission.  Needless to say, it was so very hard to wait another 6 weeks, then another 3 months, thinking that I was most likely still in remission.  I just wanted to know one way or the other.  But as is many times the case, God has other plans and calls us to walk by faith that His timing is perfect.

So that takes us to Oct 2022 when I was scheduled for a third PET scan since May.  By the grace of God, the results came back with both areas having decreased in size and activity, meaning NO CANCER.  This is by no means over as I need to go another 3.5 years without a relapse to be declared cured.  But at least I now know for sure where I am right now.  Praise God indeed.  And without even realizing it, I am now only 7 months away from the two year mark when the chance of a return of the disease falls to 5%.

As I shared earlier, I feel very good physically.  But ever since everything unfolded in Jan 2021, things have been very difficult with my mental health, especially this past year.  My oncologist told me that it is very common for cancer patients to suffer mentally post treatment when there is finally a chance to process everything.  For me, this processing also included my mother's death at the very start of my journey.  Thankfully I have been able to get the help that I needed and the time, love, and support of loved ones to get to a much better place.

I have resumed working full time since the summer and my body has adjusted well to that rhythm and its demands.  Judy and I have settled in nicely to being empty nesters and look forward to welcoming one back home as Andrew graduates in the spring.  We are so very grateful for the continued prayers and support of so many, sharing life whenever possible.  We feel that although we missed out on much of your lives, we have also gained so much learning of God's grace and faithfulness throughout it all.  May that continue in our lives and yours as well.

With much love and affection,
Ken & Judy

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