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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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One year ago today, 6:55am.... I took this picture.  Full of hopeful optimism, anxious butterflies, and enveloped with love and prayers, it was moments before they wheeled Kate back into the operating room.  The picture represents a view into our hearts and minds at the time, not really knowing what the next one year would look like.  As Kate marks this milestone in her journey today, it's one to be celebrated.  On that day last year she lost so much, went through a massive invasion of the person she was, yet it was a day she became cancer free.  That day the doctors were able to remove every spec of the cancer from her body in the span of 6 hours.  We celebrate this today and celebrate it every day we wake up.  All the extra treatment since that day, have been to keep the cancer from returning.  Since Kate has been classified as "high risk" Chemotherapy, Radiation, and the current long-term meds she is on, are all to reduce the chance of reoccurrence.  It's backed by statistical evidence, each treatment, therapy, and med are recommended by her doctors to decrease the likelihood of reoccurrence.  These conversations feel like decisions we need to make, but they are not.  The are not because we both agree that we want to do everything possible to never have this come back.  Despite the impactful side effects of the medications Kate is continuing to battle each day through the fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, amongst other constant little and not so little things.  I wish so much for her that this was not her reality.  I wish for her that she could feel whole again and feel herself, feel what a 38 year old mom in her prime could feel like.  She is working at it every day - working out, eating right and healthy, getting rest (when her body allows it), and taking care of her mental health.  You should see it - truly amazing to see the persistence and focus she has to feel whole again.

So what's next?  Kate is continuing to work very closely with her doctors to make sure the dosages and medications are right for her.  There are trade offs on quality of life and she is looking at all of those very closely.  The side effects are real and constant, there are alternatives so the constant conversations with her doctors are fine tuning the regime.  Kate's next surgery is July 19.  This surgery will be to repair and replace some of the collateral damage that was done during the first surgery and also radiation.  It will be less invasive and a faster recovery but will still put her back to minimal movement and lifting for 6-8 weeks.  As you all know, this makes it nearly impossible for us to do life alone as a family of 4 with our needs for Logan.  We are working through details of how to make this all work out, so we ask for your prayers and guidance as we navigate setting up work schedules, appointments, and in general home life with a 9 and 11 year old.  As we navigate this time, we are hopeful this is the last time Kate will be out of commission for an extended period.

We've been very active over the past few months as well.  Kate and I attended the PPMD Advocacy conference this spring, we traveled to Disney World for Logan's Make-A-Wish trip, and Grace had her Dance Recital in early May.  We have a full summer ahead of us as well, in a few weeks we finally - after 2 years of rescheduling are heading out west to Logan's Bucket List place - Yellowstone National Park.  We also are attending the annual PPMD conference this year after pausing last year.  We are all very excited for this summer and plan for it to be VERY different than last year!

The 2nd picture on here is one from this Mother's Day.  It's hard to tell, or maybe not 😉, but our kids absolutely adore their mother.  Logan cannot go to sleep without her saying goodnight, and Grace's only request this summer is to spend more time with her mom.  We love you very much Katie and hope for a better year, one without pain and uncertainly 😘.  

Much love to you all, I hope you all have been well yourselves, and hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend and start to the summer.

-Nick 🙏🧡💚❤️💜💙🤍

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