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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Today the technique of fast reading has become extremely demanded. And it is not surprising, because the skill to read quickly and understand what is read is required for people of any profession. Anyone can develop this ability in himself if he uses the method of rapid reading.
The technique of speed reading includes several stages. The main thing in mastering this technique is the motivation and self-esteem of a person. That is, in order for the speed reading technique to be successfully applied in practice, the trainee must understand why he sets himself this goal. It is also extremely important that in the minds of those who want to learn how to read very quickly, the idea that everything is achievable and practically everyone should get it was postponed.
The method of fast reading includes the principle of "adjustment". It consists in the fact that a person develops in himself the ability to instantly look through an instant view in the text, only those fragments to which special attention should be paid, by eliminating already known material. That is, to learn how to read very quickly you need to be able to allocate a second view to unfamiliar information.
Exercise will be carried out correctly, if the learner understands its essence, having checked up the abilities to allocation of the main thing first on subjects. It is done this way: a few seconds you need to carefully consider an object. Then, closing your eyes, imagine him in all the small things.
Opening your eyes, you should note to yourself the difference between the visual representation of this object and the real way.  EduBirdie in Australia often advises this exercise to the students. Having selected in the subject 3 previously undetected traits, again close your eyes and again imagine the object. Now the picture will be more complete. This exercise is done up to 7 times - it develops attention and the ability to highlight the main thing.
The technique of speed reading includes exercises like the following:  Quickly viewing the text (but do not need to read it!) For 30 seconds, it is necessary to highlight 3 main thoughts of the passage. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine these thoughts. Then the method is repeated 4 more times, but each time you should find new thoughts and facts, visualizing them.
The method of finding keywords
Finding keywords in the text but how to learn not only read quickly but also remember what you read? For this, there are exercises for finding keywords in the text. This method can be jokingly called "read through the word."
That is, before reading it is necessary to determine the subject matter of the text and, through the eyes of the material, "cling" only those words together with the fragments that are relevant to them, which are relevant to the topic.
Suppression of articulation
Since it is possible to learn how to read quickly to everyone, it is necessary to conduct regular exercises on a regular basis. One of the main "braking" reading points is the people's skill to pronounce the text about themselves. We even mentally articulate! And all this takes time. Therefore, in order to learn to read very quickly, one should develop the skill to suppress articulation. And the exercises for developing the rapid reading skill will be:
During the reading, mentally count.
Beating with fingers while reading a familiar rhythmic pattern, for example, there-lalala-there-lalala.
The skill of using visual memory
Learning to read very quickly is impossible if you use the method of letter reading. By the way, even today in primary school many methodologists are trying to abandon this method already at an early stage of education. Kids try to learn how to memorize syllables, whole four and five-letter words. And adults have more developed memory, so they need to learn to grasp (and not read by letters!) Words consisting of 9, 10 or more letters.
Learning to read fast long words, using visual memory, is not at all difficult if you perform daily necessary exercises. It is necessary to prepare tablets with printed long words, most often found in texts (or purely professional ones). You can create pictures in computer programs with printed words. The tablet can contain 2-3 words or even more. In these rules consist in the fact that the learner should only look at the tablet, but do not read the word, close his eyes (or remove the picture from the monitor) and pronounce what is written. 
You can begin these exercises with words containing 6-7 letters, gradually complicating the task. Since it is impossible to read very quickly in an instant, then every exercise should be given every day for at least 15 minutes.

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