Help Karl Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Karl’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 41 donors who have made a donation in honor of Karl.

My thoughts and prayers are always with Karl and the family during such challenging times. Be strong, knowing so many people care about you Karl.
John Gwyn Jones | Jul 30, 2023
We really appreciate your regular updates and read them eagerly. We understand the cancer drama as Jake has had Multiple Myeloma since 2009. God has been gracious and we are thankful. May He continue to strengthen you for this journey
Jake and Trix | Jun 17, 2023
Marco Noordeloos | May 12, 2023
Trusting that God is in control. 'Peace' to your spirits.
Linda Reynhout | May 12, 2023
Peter G | Mar 3, 2023
For the Caring Bridge account of the Steinkamps. Erin and I keep praying for healing.
David Wilcox | Feb 11, 2023
Keep fighting Karl. I know it's not easy all the time, but God is with you. We just keep praying. We trust you can have a Merry Christmas and you can feel well & enjoy your family. God bless you folks.
Harriet & Ralph Dougherty | Dec 22, 2022
Dear Karl, you are a precious child in God's kingdom. Your passion while at Dalat has impacted not only the students, staff but also parents like us. Your time and services shown in your walk with God, really touched our lives. Praying for your healing!
With much love from Penang- Janet, Kenny, Ryan and Caitlyn Chan | Dec 13, 2022
Edith Korpi | Dec 3, 2022
We love you guys and pray for this to resolve with God's touch upon it all.
Much prayers and love, Linda and Marty Reynhout | Dec 3, 2022