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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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First, force yourself to do business. As you know, before the exam I want to do anything, just do not prepare for it. Just do not overdo it. At this time, it is possible to recall the long-forgotten and deferred cases. Distract under the pretext that it's time to have a bite. Show yourself as an exemplary son (daughter) and perform some parental assignment (to go to the market, fix the shelf, sweep the floor). But not anymore. Done?
Secondly, now we need to make an effort. Set the rate - say, one hour or, for example, one ticket.
What not to do
First, never go to extremes. If you are overlaid with textbooks, turn off the phone and barricade in your room - I doubt that the effectiveness of such training will be high. Thirdly, even if you wrote cheat sheets, Specialists from Edubirdie UK advise you to use them. When there is such a burning paper in your pocket, your head works badly. It is better to write and leave her at home.Secondly, I do not advise preparing for the exam with a friend or girlfriend (unless he (she) understands the material better than you). Such training often turns into a long thrill and a waste of time.
Disassembled the theme of the list - take a breather.
Thirdly, if you need to remember some historical date, try to remember what this date means for you personally? Maybe it's mom's or aunt's birthday? Or maybe on that day you did something for the first time or went somewhere? And suddenly this date reminds someone's phone?
Fourth, how best to remember the material? On this account, there are different opinions. For example, I am categorically against cramming. The most successful way of remembering is mnemotechnics. What is this "beast"? The thing is quite complex, including, in particular, memorizing by associations. Need to remember the formula? Try to look at it from a different angle and read it as a word. Match each letter in the formula with a word and make a ridiculous sentence that "sticks" in the head. I'll tell you a secret: the more indecent the association, the better it is remembered. It is convenient to remember any definitions, phenomena, events, reducing them to what you already know. You learn some long definition and compare it with some phenomenon. And it is important to understand the essence of the definition, and not to memorize it. Rarely, one of the teachers takes with a hostility your explanation of the definition in your own words instead of the learned variant. On the contrary, if you can retell the definition in your own words, then you understand the material.
Fifth, different people have different types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with advanced visual memory will be more useful to read the material. Then I remember the page on which the necessary topic is presented. Those who have developed motor memory, it is better to prescribe the material (that is, to write cheat sheets). If you feel that the process has finally gone, you understand the material, you can explain it and are not tired yet, go on!
Sixthly, in the evening, allow yourself to relax. Take a walk, chat on the phone, read the detective, go to visit a friend (friend). But go back home before midnight. If you do not get enough sleep overnight, sleep on the exam is fraught with a retake!
Seventh, I advise you before going to bed if you do not teach, then at least scroll through the material. Try to look at the title, remember the general content of the question (if not, see the section). Psychologists say that the information received during sleep and awakening is best remembered.

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