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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

Nothing Planned This Week
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Latest scans show: Lung lesions shrinking, clear liver and NO NEW C!

We were through the roof to get this news on Tuesday night. But, I was too tired to dance around or get it posted here. Inside, tears of joy and relief for now.  I am wiped from the last eight weeks of chemo and other therapies, but I also ended up puking in a public trash can outside the elevators at DF just after the scans that just depleted me once again. While I’ve had more nausea and vomiting these last two months, we’re pretty sure this bout was anxiety related. #scanxiety is REAL.

Wednesday brought a little more anxiety as my ONC was adamant that this is not the time to slow down. We must press on to keep these mets shrinking.  My Func MD agrees that we hit it hard with all the integrative therapies, but we need to keep the lead in this game. 

I was able to lobby for one additional week off this week. It’s not a surrender, but I am calling a time out so that I can recoup some. So this week I will have no chemo, no extra therapies, no commuting to treatments, only shots and medication at home. PLUS, the good part, I have dinner plans and a 49th birthday to celebrate. I MADE IT!

Next week, on June 3, we’ll be back in the ring, harnessing all the power I have, sustained by the love from all of you and my MVP, Greg, to continue crushing it. 



A recent pic of me and my best guy and “Murse” out on good day in between treatments. When I got ready I asked, “Do I look like a pirate with these huge hoop earrings and turban?” His response, “No, but you do kind of look like a fortune teller.” LOL

If I could only see the future…I probably wouldn’t puke in any more trash cans. 




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