Help Chris Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Chris’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 26 donors who have made a donation in honor of Chris.

Keeping you in our prayers
Mike & Mary Kay Rosanova | Feb 1, 2022
#LaSalle The Lottiers
#GreatSave | Jan 11, 2022
You and all your family are in my prayers every morning in my daily prayers.
C. Vincent Pete Peterson | Jan 10, 2022
Dear Chris, I am spiritually with you and your family every day when I go to my huge parish church here in La Habra, CA. Since there are very few visitors, I have the whole sacred space to devote to my prayers toward your healing. Blessings of Advent t
C. Vincent Pete Peterson | Dec 7, 2021
Hi Coach Kane, Coach reached out to me last night. I wasn't aware of things; otherwise, I would've gotten in touch with you sooner. Really just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you.
Love, Tracey (Spinelli) | Nov 22, 2021
Mike Freeman | Oct 25, 2021
Chris- We are thinking about you and have you in our prayers. Keep up the good spirits . Who could root for the Astros so Go Braves!
Jack Lynch | Oct 25, 2021
Sending you lots of good thoughts!
Stephanie Baggett | Oct 18, 2021
Chris, no looking back. Stay strong Love, Uncle Den.
bernand kane | Oct 7, 2021
Coach Kane, You are being lifted up in prayer daily by all of our family. Count on them!! Going to get other prayer requests out there for you too. You are a tough Eagles guy and you got this. Greg and Lisa Rocko
Greg and Lisa Rocko | Oct 7, 2021