Help Julia Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Julia’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 20 donors who have made a donation in honor of Julia.

Across the miles, prayers and love to you and your family.
Carol Rossini | Feb 19, 2019
Julia!! Let me know when you and Ben are ready to sip on some Jameson. I have a bottle with your name on it. So much love and positive energy being sent your way.
Tyson | Feb 10, 2019
Praying for you and yours Julia.
-Dan Thill and Family | Feb 9, 2019
I love you so so much and I'm sending all the love in the world to your family. Always here if you need anything.
Sophia | Feb 8, 2019
All my strength, all my love, all of my positive vibes to you, Julia, Ben, and the whole family.
Amanda Dekan | Feb 7, 2019
Love you Julia and sending you lots of strength and support
Melissa Driscoll | Feb 7, 2019
I wish we could give more money! We would be happy to support you with dog walking and or food! Don’t be shy, friends!
team Palmer | Feb 4, 2019
I know that you'll be the most formidable foe that cancer has ever faced, and please call on me if there's ever anything I can ever do for you all!
Jeremy Woerner | Feb 4, 2019
Sending you so much love and strength
Kate | Feb 4, 2019
Katie Nulicek | Feb 3, 2019