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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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 Hi, my faithful friends and prayer partners.  On this almost Mother’s Day, most of us will be remembering our mothers and her influence on us.  I, for one, had a wonderful mom who taught me how to both give and receive love, how to laugh and have fun and be silly with my own children when they were young, and to have a grateful heart.  And today, I have a humble heart overflowing with thanks to JESUS & PRAISES TO HIS HOLY NAME!  We returned from our 6 months in ID on April 22, and I was back at Fred Hutch on April 26 to have my 6 month scans and blood labs.  I have been feeling very good these last 6 months as I reported last time.  Yet, naturally, there is always a bit of “scanxiety” on whether the scans will match how I feel.  The process went well…had two different scans, one with radioactive contrast and one with regular contrast.  And finally, on my May 8th zoom call with my NETS oncologist, I learned that my 3 PRRT treatments had given me a partial response in shrinking some of my tumors with no new ones evident, which is GREAT news both for me and our family and my doctor.  I also had good blood labs!  So…the wonderful news is that I do not have to have any treatment for the time being unless I develop adverse symptoms and begin to feel unwell.  I just have to repeat the 2 scans and blood labs once again in 6 months.  As you can imagine, I am ecstatic and humbled and overflowing with thanks for HIS MERCY and PROVISION and PROTECTION over me.  And all of you who have been praying for me through the past four years (yes, it has been 4 years since I received the NETS diagnosis with extensive metastasis) are an integral part of this good news, for your prayers have helped sustain me.  In January 2020, I heard Michael W. Smith sing the song WAYMAKER, and it touched my heart immediately.  Little did I know that it would become my “anthem” over this journey I am on.  A brief synopsis of the lyrics follows:  “YOU ARE HERE, moving in our midst, I worship YOU, I worship YOU. YOU ARE WORKING in this place, I worship YOU.  YOU ARE WAYMAKER, MIRACLE WORKER, PROMISE KEEPER, LIGHT in the darkness.  My GOD, that is WHO YOU ARE.  YOU ARE HERE, TURNING lives around, I worship YOU.  YOU ARE HERE, and HEALING every heart, I worship you and that is WHO YOU ARE.  Even when I don’t see it, YOU ARE WORKING; even when I don’t feel it, YOU ARE WORKING. YOU never STOP WORKING! That is WHO YOU ARE!”  HE IS my WAYMAKER, MIRACLE WORKER, PROMISE KEEPer and LIGHT in the darkness.  HE IS WITH me as I walk the walk HE HAS PUT before me.  I am humbled and thankful for each day of life HE IS GRANTING me, and thankful for each of you.   For those possibly new to this site or for those of you who are clinging to the false idea that you don’t need THE WAYMAKER in your life because you think this earthly life is all there is, I can’t close without sharing the A, B, C’s of the GOSPEL (the GOOD news).  “A” is for admitting that all have fallen short of the glory of GOD except JESUS, and that we are each and every one a sinner.  “B” is for believing in your heart that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, who was born of a virgin, walked the earth for 33 years and after ministering for 3 years, was crucified on the cross at Calvary for our sins, was buried, and rose again as the BIBLE foretold on the 3rd day, and HE WILL RETURN one day (hopefully soon) and the “C” is for confessing that JESUS IS LORD and calling on HIS NAME that you might have your name written in the LAMB’S BOOK of LIFE, which means when your life on this earth ends, you will have eternal life in HEAVEN with JESUS who has prepared a place in heaven for each and every believer to be with HIM FOR ALL ETERNITY.  May we each have ears to hear HIS STILL SMALL VOICE saying “this is the way, walk in it”, eyes to see HIM at work around us and within us, hearts that break over what breaks HIS, and minds that lean not unto our own understanding.  My heart is overflowing with thanksgiving and praise for HIS GIFT of continued fullness of life for me at this time and for each of you.  May you be celebrated, or celebrate your own mom or another beloved woman in your life today with prayers and blessings all around.  In HIS LOVE and mine, judy

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