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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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We are asking for the support of our community to support Judith and Dani to find a way through this time. All contributions make it possible for Daniella to do the work necessary to prepare for her mama to come home! She needs more than anything to bring her Mom home! So I thank you, for myself, Daniella and dear Judith <3

  • SUPPORT SHIFTS! -- Commit to a weekly 1 hour Volunteer Support Shift when you can show up at Friends House either to take Judith outside for her midday Sunshine Therapy OR assist with her Afternoon/Evening Therapies. These simple therapies involve water, light, sound and touch, are easy for anyone to do, and are vastly improving Judith’s quality of life! Or, just being there  to read her a book, put lotion on her face, tell her story, sing to her or hold her hand. Judith does not have the ability to do almost anything on her own right now. So your support here would be invaluable, and greatly appreciated! And Daniella must find the time to leave her mother's side and do the preparation to bring her mama home. I have posted the Midday and Evening “Support Shift” schedule on the Planner on Caring Bridge--when you click on an item it gives you the option to “Accept” the shift.
  • FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS!! -- Judith and Daniella are both disabled and live off very little money. They need a lot more financial support to pay for therapies, home care and recovery!! We are planning to start a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Judith’s care needs. But in the meantime, Joe LaVigna (Daniella’s dad) is organizing a fund for Judith’s care.  You can either Paypal Daniella at or Mail a check made out to Joe LaVigna, with the note “Judith’s Care Support Fund” to 6464 Timber Springs Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95409.
  • HELP DANIELLA PREPARE JUDITH'S HOME FOR HER RETURN!! -- Daniella needs help sorting belongings, taking stuff to goodwill, packing, putting boxes and furniture into storage and re-organizing furniture to make Judith's apartment wheelchair accessible. She also needs help thinking about how to layout the house and rearranging to make it manageable for herself and other caregivers.
  • JOIN THE RESEARCH TEAM! -- We need help researching stroke recovery therapies! We've got some awesome leads, but we need assistance figuring out which ones Judith can actually do in her current state, how much they cost, if there is financial support, if they can help Judith at this stage of stroke recovery, etc. Your help here would be BLESSING! Can you offer 2 hours to research online, make calls, etc? Daniella or Kathy can you give a specific list of questions they have about a therapy method and you can do the research. The sooner Judith can make significant steps to recovery, the more likely she will survive! AND this progress will give her more comfort and less suffering on a daily basis <3.
  • STROKE RECOVERY STORIES/RESOURCES -- Do you know someone who had a major stroke and found ways to recover? What helped them on their journey? Do you have an local Sonoma County resources? Do you know a stroke survivor/triumphant or caregiver who would be willing to talk with Daniella about their journey? We are needing some inspiration and resources.
  • SMALL PROJECTS -- There are several small projects at Judith's apartment we need assistance with to help her daily functionality: creating a small ramp and flat wheelchair passage to her little garden, sewing or makes-shifting super simple curtains, computer upgrade assistance and support to be able to access important files, and more small projects soon to present themselves.
    • medical equipment like a good quality bedside commode, as well as supplies like adult diapers, baby wipes, bed protectors, and other items to be added soon...
    • clothing in women's size small or medium: loose pants, t-shirts, tank tops, warm vests, wool socks
    • art supplies, games, activities and children's books suitable for a stroke patient who can only use 1 hand right now.
    • BPA Free plastic water bottles
    • house plants
    • more items to be added soon...
  • HEALING WORK -- Gentle hands-on healing work or energy based work for this sensitive dear elder. Her brain, nervous system and body desperately need chi, flow, calming, peace, integration and positive loving healing energy. It tends to work best in small amounts, frequently. This could be an offering by you, or you could arrange for a healer you know to visit Judith. Just please check in with Daniella to be sure it's a good match with Judith’s delicate and special system right now. <3 <3 <3
  • HEARTFELT PRAYERS <3 -- Please Keep sending this family your beautiful healing intentions/energy/prayers for Judith's Recovery. It really DOES make a difference. Take a few minutes, light a candle and hold these women in your heart. Imagine Judith's brain lighting up with new neural pathways for speech, movement, memory and cognition. Imagine her body feeling at peace, relaxed and strong within this process. Imagine Daniella’s nervous system finding balance, peace, strength and deep rest within this journey. The powerful healing energy that is created through this community is magical! Thank YOU!
    • Pick up food from Three Leaves each week
    • Drop off snacks for Judith to Friends House
    • Grocery shopping
    • Etc...
  • THINKING/ORGANIZING SUPPORT FOR DANIELLA'S OVERWHELMED BRAIN: Is your brain in good shape? Can you help Daniella think things through when her brain is this overloaded? This could look like a 30 minute conversation over the phone or in person when she is trying to make important choices or helping her sort through her task list to prioritize and make the next steps that day.
  • OFFER AN HOUR: Show up to help Daniella for an hour just get a handful of pressing tasks accomplished.
  • FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ADVICE/SUPPORT: Have you been through a similar process and know how to work social services, in home support and financial assistance? Daniella could use some more good advice.

Any little thing that you can do to help Daniella and Judith makes all the difference in bringing Judith home, and to a place of peace and comfort.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

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