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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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No news is good news! It has been a little bit since my last update. 😅
Life actually feels as close to normal as possible. Jude began Maintenance Therapy on May 3rd. It has been so good. This has been the longest stretch of days without going to the clinic/hospital since all this started last July. It feels a little surreal to be honest. I have not let my guard down yet, not sure how I ever will?? I am at peace though, knowing God’s in the details…yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

One of the very best moments the last couple weeks, was Jude going to school, in-person for the first time this year. Almost 9 months ago we sat in an office at Jude’s school discussing his 504 plan, with his principal, the school nurse, and his teacher, which included his learning being virtual for the year. We were heartbroken, still processing the news, unsure of his future, his medical plan, and no hope for normalcy. Fast forward to today, Jude is attending school full days, going on end of year field-trips, playing outside with his friends at recess, and thriving in the classroom. He is beyond excited, and we are beyond thankful for the goodness of God! A huge shoutout to his amazing teacher for her dedication and commitment to Jude this year. The transition back to school has been so smooth because of her. There have been so many happy tears the last couple weeks. Jude hopped out of the van this morning and blew me a kiss as he walked into the school.  😭 Byron Primary School, thank you for the love and support you have shown Jude and our family. We love you all!  ♥️

So, what’s Maintenance Therapy look like? We will be repeating several cycles of treatment until we are completely finished (projected end- December 2025). Jude takes 3.5 chemo pills every night at bedtime and every Thursday afternoon he adds 7 more chemo pills to his med cup. We cut all his pills in half to help him with swallowing, it’s a pretty high pile of pills he takes, one by one. 🥹 He is a pill swallowing champ. 💪🏻 At the end of May, he will go to the clinic for 5 consecutive days of chemo infusions through his port. The end of June he will have 5 days of steroids, another spinal tap with chemo at some point. I believe we are on a 3 month cycle and we just keep repeating the same 3 months over and over. The goal is to increase his dose of his daily chemo, while keeping his blood counts in a range where he is stable and not neutropenic. We will check a blood count every 4 weeks for the first few months. His first count check is May 31st. We will make adjustments to his chemo based on what his labs tell us. 🙏🏻

As always, Thomas and I want to thank you for your ongoing support and prayers for Jude and our family. ♥️

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