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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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Baby JAX has been home with us since May 13th. Yesterday July 24th has been 3 months since his due date, and in a few days he will be officially 7 months old!

It has certainly been a struggle transitioning into full time parents, and especially for me as I finished with Toyota to stay home with baby.

We are so pleased to watch him grow steadily each day, yesterday he reached 12lbs! He still is not on the percentile charts for 7 months. But he is in the 25th percentile for his adjusted age of 3 months!

Some incredible updates:

Just 2 weeks ago we had a final follow up for Retinopothy of Prematurity (ROP), the vessels in both eyes have completely grown into the final stages, and he is completely cleared! There is no damage present. From now we will only have regular annual eye exams. 

We had a exam with our developmental doctor, and she was pleased to report that he is measuring some milestones in the 2-3 mo, and a number of milestones in the 3-4mo stages. Meaning he is right on schedule for his adjusted age, and is actively 'catching up' to his actual age in development. 

As of today's follow up, he has no more discernable PDA(heart murmur)! An update on his pulmonary stenosis, which was a slight thickening/narrowing of the ventricles in the heart. This effects the pressure of the blood coming through the heart. Best pressure is 15, and 65 is actionable with a small balloon procedure to open the ventricle. While he was in the NICU he measure about 44, and is now in the low 30's. It appears that it is moving in the right direction. The cardiologist advised that about only 30% of babies get worse from this point, and worsening usually happens in infancy, so once he is gets to the toddler phase it drops down to a 10% chance of worsening. All in all, miraculous news!!

We are still using breastmilk fortified for calories and thickened so that it is easier for baby to swallow. We have been going 3 times a week to feeding therapy. JAX has been receiving VitalStim therapy, baby gets electrodes attached to his throat during feeding to exercise the muscles, and hopefully aid us in moving JAX off of the thickener and be able to eat milk straight.

We are daily in awe of the miracle we get to parent, and so so grateful to everyone who has stood with us through these crazy times.

Strong God We Are Watching You Do it!

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