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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Friends & Family~ The last 5 weeks have been a mental and physical whirlwind to say the least.  I finally had my Oncology appt. to discuss the pathology of my surgery and I’m happy & relieved to share this update… Though the last 2 weeks have been painful and uncomfortable … 😖😫😵💊😵‍💫🚽😴😭 ~ the VERY GOOD news is they did in fact catch the cancer early at Stage 1 T2. They took 21 lymph nodes and they all were negative for cancer.👏🏼 Both my surgeon/oncologist agree that the next course of action is NOT chemo and/or radiation… BUTT frequent follow-up, blood-work every 3 mo, scans & annual colonoscopy for next 2 years, then move to every 6 mo for next 3 yrs after that.

Pathology did show the rectal cancer had advanced from grade 2 to 3 (higher the grade the faster the tumor is likely to growth/spread) and T2 (means it spread into the muscle layer) but still not outside the colon wall… anything higher (T3), or any lymph node involvement- chemo would’ve been the treatment. So Thank God!! 🙏🏼  There are complicated feelings around this and my heart is constantly with my friends who have to battle a whole other incredibly long and difficult road.  They are STILL and will always be my heroes 💪🏼 and motivation to move forward with gratitude through the fear.   

I’m still processing, drained, but EXTREMELY happy the news is positive and we can rest a little easier.  I see  the surgeon for my first post-op appt tomorrow and hoping the next 3 weeks can just be about healing/recovering, working through surgery pain, therapy, and the uncomfortable rollercoaster of my “system” getting its groove back…  My best opportunity to keep a recurrence at bay is to focus on mind and body healing: frequent checkups, a healthier diet, a positive mindset, exercise, managing stress/anxiety, and laughter... there must always be laughter .


I want to say just how much I appreciate ALL your continued prayers, texts, calls, donations/gifts, food, good energy and funny memes you’ve sent my way.  Even if I’ve been unable to respond, I’ve read every single message you’ve sent to me or to Rizzi.  We've felt it ALL and it’s meant the world to both of us.  And to my rock, my ride or die~ Rizzi, me and my ass could NOT have done this without you. 🫶🏼😘

Continued PSA: Please get your colon cancer screening.  I’m over the MOON hearing from over 20 of you that have booked or gotten your colonoscopies already! It does make sharing something so uncomfortable worth it.  I believe my story could’ve had a much different ending if I had waited even a few more months. So please, just go get that ass checked 🍑 and trust it’s way better to have a shitty 24hrs, than deal with something a whole lot more.  Again, from the BOTTOM of my heart, thank you and love you all. 💙🤎🫶🏼🤎💙

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