Help Jim Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Jim’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 20 donors who have made a donation in honor of Jim.

Hi Jim, We saw some of the photos from the kids visit home. Charlotte seemed to be enjoying the farm. I hear she loved chasing the cat. We send our love and prayers to you and Susie. Please know that you are in our prayers daily. Lots of love
Lisa Elder | Nov 30, 2020
Please let Jim know we are thinking of him and Susie. We are sending hugs and lots of positive thoughts.
Mike and Nancy Snell | Nov 30, 2020
We are keeping Jim in our thoughts and prayers and prayers for everyone in his family. Love, Uncle Rick and Aunt Merline
Merline Erdman | Nov 30, 2020
Jim, Susie and family, we're thinking of you and sending our love and positive healing energy your way.
Jim and Jan Gambach | Nov 30, 2020
Honoring Jim. But, know Sue. Hope, Faith, have all of these working for you. Stay strong.
Therese Rice | Nov 30, 2020
Susie and Jim, prayers for you both with much love, Rick and Marcia Wahls
Marcia Wahls | Nov 30, 2020
We love you and are holding you up in prayer every single time your name pops into our head.
Mary Ann and Joan | Nov 30, 2020
Jim, Sue , Michael and Katie. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Jim is a fighter blaze the trail. You got this. Much love Lynne and John Egan.
Lynne Egan | Nov 30, 2020
Beth and will continue to have a good thought for you? Love Always.
Brian Schaumburg | Nov 30, 2020
Please disregard the ? In the previous post. Fat fingers!!
Brian Schaumburg | Nov 30, 2020