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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I wanted to give you all an update on Jill's progress.   Jill is still improving everyday!  It has been almost 7 months since Jill got sick and went to hospital.  I remember the doctors telling me in the MICU that IF Jill survived her recover was going to be very long.  I told them then that I knew it would be long, I don't think I realized it would be this long.  They were not joking!!!  It has been a very long process.   At this point in Jill's recovery, the changes are not as noticeable.  I would liken it to when you are trying to lose weight.   You may not notice that you have lost weight, but when you go to put your clothes on for the next season you can tell you have lost weight because your clothes are loose.    We have been going through our normal daily routine, and then all of sudden we will realize that Jill just did something that she could not do before.   For example Jill has started to use her transport chair less and less.  She has been walking into places that we go, and although it is slow and she has to concentrate on her breathing, she is able to make it. 

I know I have said it before,  but this journey that Jill and I have been on has taught us so much about our faith in God.  Romans 8:28 says: " And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."    This scripture doesn't say that life will be easy, or that just because god loves us he will give us what we want.  It says that God works everything out for our good.  It's his plan, and we have to follow it.  God has shown us over and over again that he's got this.  We have to just make sure that we stay close to him, and be patient.   

It seems like there are definitely seasons with in this season.  What I mean is that we are in a season of healing and putting everything back together in our life.  But there have been defined seasons with in this whole journey.  There was the season of crisis in the MICU, there was the season at the ventilator weaning hospital (which was more stable but with lots of questions).  We had the season of Wilmington Rehab (more stable, but with questions a out Jill's physical healing and strengthening). We had the huge celebration of Jill returning home, what a joyous day that was!!!!   We had the season of home rehab, and the readjustment period of being home and living life (we had lots of bumps in this phase).  The season we are in now has many new challenges.  Jill is now in outpatient PT/OT.  We are still following up with specialist and still trying to get into other specialist.  We have had to navigate short term disability, and long term disability and many questions about the future of Jill's job.  There is so much more, but I think you get the idea.  The point that I am making is that in every new season there has been huge questions and lots of anxious moments.   It feels like when your on a plane and you hit turbulence.  You are sitting in the seat and your not sure that the plane is going to stay in the air.  Then all of a sudden you hit clean air and everything smooths out.  The captain comes on - DING DING "sorry about that folks we hit a little turbulence, I moved down to 25000 feet and the air is much better down here, the fasten seat belt light is now off, you are free to move about the cabin"  and life is good.  I have realized that have to remind myself when it starts to feel rocky in our life to stop and look around and ask why is it feeling so rocky, usually it's just a new phase.  I have tried to stay close to God by praying and asking him what we should do, and to give me guidance, I still haven't heard God come over the PA system at NHS, but I have learned that he sends me messages everyday in the life around me.  

On to how Jill is doing.  Jill has made some great strides with strengthening her lungs.  She is still on constant flow oxygen.  She is only on one liter of oxygen now at all times.  When we came home she was on 3 liters at rest and we would bump her up to 5 with activity.  She has been able to take the oxygen off for longer and longer periods of time, up to several hours at a time.  Many of you have asked about Jill and her oxygen, since we have posted some pictures, and she doesn't have the oxygen on in the pictures.   We feel like we are getting much closer to ditching the oxygen!!! 

Her stamina continues to improve, she is able to walk for longer periods of time, and with PT her body is starting to get physically stronger as well.  OT is addressing her left hand, and the damaged radial nerve.  The nerve must be regenerating, because everyday Jill can do more and more with her left hand.  She can now write with her left hand, it is very slow and labored, but it is getting better.  Jill is also able to type on the computer now, it isn't perfect and takes a little longer, but her hand is starting to cooperate.  We are praying that all of this continues to progress. 

Jill has had a follow up appointment with the neurologist, and praise God, the neurologist said that she sees no cognitive effects from her strokes.  She felt like Jill was doing so well, that she didn't even want to do a follow up appointment!

Jill's vision is also improving.  We have been trying to get Jill an appointment with Will's Eye Hospital, since April.  It seems like the devil himself has done everything in his power to prevent this from happening.  We have had failed emails, and failed faxes, and lost faxes.  We have been told that Jill doesn't need a referral, and that they just needed Jill's medical records, then we were told to get a get referral.  Then the referral that we got was not from a Neurologist, so we needed to follow up and get a referral from a Neurologist.  I think we finally have Jill's information on the doctors desk, we are praying for favor, and for God to pair us up with the best medical professional's that can help Jill's recovery.  We know that God will take care of everything. 

Jill has also had a follow up appointment with the pulmonologist.  Dr. Valentino has been awesome!  He has been so supportive of Jill and has answered all of her questions.  Jill has messaged him, and had phone calls with him, and he has been so responsive.  We really appreciate him, he makes Jill feel like she is his only patient.  At our last appointment he was very happy with Jill's progress, and he reassured Jill that the oxygen support would soon be in her rear view mirror.  It was wonderful to hear him say that he feels Jill WILL recover!  Dr. Valentino has also referred Jill to a pulmonary rehab.  We have met a few challenges with getting Jill scheduled for this program as well.  We will be very glad when we don't have to deal with all the different medical offices, it can be challenging at times.  

Our family is starting to feel like ourselves again.  The pool is open, and we have gotten Jill out in the pool, oxygen and all.  We have been able to get out and do life with portable oxygen tanks, it isn't ideal, but we are thankful that we have Jill with us to be able to do all this stuff, even if it is a little more complicated right now.  The kids have been very busy with school and end of the year school events.  As always the girls are busy with gymnastics, it never ends!  Brayden is playing baseball,  between sports and youth group and working out, he is super busy.   Our oldest son Ben has crammed many huge life events into 2022!  He graduated from UD at the end of May, and he starts his career in trust fund management with Northern Trust next week.  He and his fiance Emily are busy preparing for their wedding in August, and they also purchased their first home at the end of May.  They have been busy painting and working in their home, so they will have it ready to move in after they get married.  It is an exciting time in the Scannell household.

We are so thankful for all the continued prayers and well wishes.    We have been praying for all of you as well!   We are so thankful for all of you, we could not have weathered this storm without your help.   

The Scannell's


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