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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Because so many of you have been faithfully checking in and asking how everything is going, we wanted to send out an update.  We feel extremely blessed to continue to receive phone calls, texts, and well wishes letting us know you are still praying for Jason and thinking of our family.  This overwhelming love and support encouraged us during the most difficult times, and it still continues to help us through his recovery every single day.

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." ~Galatians 6:2~" 

I can hear the oxygen concentrator click on.  It must be time for some walking, which means up and down the hallway to the bedroom and then back to the kitchen again.  Today may include a flight of stairs or two, and of course, the volumetric exerciser.  Recovery is a slow process.  Some days it seems there is great strides and other days the move is just lateral.  Grateful that recovery has been uneventful.  Jason came home on 12/27/21 requiring 6 liters of oxygen and very small slow steps to get out of the car and into the house.  He maintained at 6 liters for the first week when getting up for his morning routine, to complete physical therapy, or just minimal moving about the house.  He has since decreased his oxygen to 4-5 liters for these activities. When he is at rest, he can remove the oxygen but needs to keep checking his O2 levels to make sure he is not too low.  Most all of last week and a few days this week he was only reading 91-92 at or after rest, which is a bit low.  However, he is able to recharge/recover with oxygen fairly quickly.  His O2 at rest has improved some, and fluctuates, so he keeps his breathing in check more frequently during the resting times.  At night he sets the concentrator to just 2 liters for sleeping and seems to manage fine at this level.  Although, sleep has been hit or miss as of late.  

This week I spent quite a few hours on the phone with the clinic and the oxygen supply company to acquire portable oxygen for Jason.  After a rash of phone calls, an uneventful drive to Owatonna, and portal messages to the doctor, we finally received a few units yesterday.  We need these for his follow up appointments, possible loss of power, etc.   I am also anticipating a drive soon, even if it's just in and out of the drive through for a burger and ice-cream.  Because he is on oxygen and somewhat vulnerable, we have to be careful he isn't exposed to something viral that will affect his recovery, so we are choosing to lay low.  As far as checking for the blood clots, they will not do an ultrasound for them until March.  The one in the area of where his central line was located is acute, and the one in the calf is subacute (large).   We continue to trust that the blood thinner is working and there will be no further issues.

Father God, we are still in awe of your incredible love for us and the amazing love from so many who have come beside us to help carry our burdens and lift us up.  We know that your entire law is fulfilled in one word: love.  We ask you to greatly bless the mighty army of prayer warriors that carried us through this and who continue to walk with us into Jason's full recovery.  Lord, continue to bring strength to Jason's lungs, increased stamina throughout the day, and deserving rest into the night.  May his need for oxygen continue to dissipate and his breathing be regulated with normal saturation levels.  May he be free from oximeters, oxygen/tubing and blood clots in your holy name. Thank you, Father, for the amazing progress he has been given up to today and into the next few weeks.  We believe that although this virus was not of you nor from you, the journey was 100% piloted by you and Jason's healing was indeed a work of your hands.  All the signs you sent to me from the heavens were beautifully and wonderfully made by the artist that you are.  May we continue to seek more and more of you as we journey forward.  Set our feet upon the tapered path you have carved and refine us like a sharp sword so we can be obedient servants for your glory.  May we continue to hold a deep desire to be faithful by setting our compass to always point to you and to your truth.  We ask this in Jesus holy name, AMEN and AMEN! 

(This cloud picture in the sky came the day after a prayer service was held for Jason.  It was more affirmation that HE was in control.  I thought I saw an angel carrying a cross, but when I shared it with my sister she said, "Amy, tilt the picture to your left, it says "JAY".)  

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