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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Update(Monday)- Jan had a progressive day today. He was able to take a walk and is working to eat. He's struggling with food which is expected.  His pain levels are around 5 pretty consistently. It's a relief to have the pain meds sort of figured out. His O2 levels have remained consistently around a promising 95.  He's been struggling with anemia but has had a lot of blood transfusions and blood product througout the past few days. (Thank you to the people who have donated blood in Central Iowa recently, you saved his life over and over). 

Every single day is a gift from God. 

Update- Jan had a rough start to the morning because his O2 levels were getting low. We worked hard to get him into the chair and to take a walk. He was successful in taking a few steps. He's now resting comfortably with acceptable O2 levels.

Olivia was the light of his day when she visited. You could see a change in him when he saw her and he heard about the band competition and her enthusiasm for the result. 

Jan has taken some chicken broth, jello and beef broth. Hopefully tomorrow will be an even better day. I'll head to Newton for a bit and he will have a full day with some quality Jake time.

Thanks for lifting him in prayer. 🙏🙏🙏

Update- Today has been pretty good. Jan had an auxiliary pump connected which was helping to support his heart. They removed it this afternoon.  His vitals are strong; he's still being supported by several IV medications which is normal. We have transitioned to oral pain medication for the majority of his pain management. 

Jake and Jan's family have been a rock by my side this entire time. Without their insight and calming faithful support, this would have been much more difficult. We are so appreciative of every ounce of love we have felt from everyone! 

I was able to sneak away for a couple of hours to see Olivia compete in her final day of marching band competition. It was a nice breath of fresh air. They earned a I rating which is the best rating possible.  

Keep praying for continued healing. We know there have been many prayers lifted over these past 2 days and it's made such an impact. We are in awe of God's grace. 

Update- Jan had a pretty peaceful overnight. He was successful in getting the ventilator removed. He indicates that he is in alot of pain which is to be expected. It was beautiful to hear his voice this morning.  He's being supported by a heart pump and oxygen as well as a maze of IV meds. We are very lucky he is here still here with us. I'm so thankful for the outpouring of prayers and well wishes. Thank you all

I just wanted to let everyone know that Jan suffered a very serious heart attack at about 1:00 am this morning.  He has endured open heart surgery today and is currently in the ICU. He's being kept on a ventilator for awhile but is responding to our voices and communicating. I will post updates here as needed. Please pray for him 🙏🙏🙏

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