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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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If you are here reading this, that means you care. I love that about you! 😍 

My intention is to manifest nothing but love, hope, strength and no time orenergy for anything but positivity, love & light! Please help me by NEVER DOUBTING that I will get through these tough times. I appreciate your love, care and support and welcome your positive and loving thoughts, prayers, well wishes and good vibes. Please keep them coming! 🙏 

There’s no easy way to say this. On October 31, 2019, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. There is a 33mm mass on my right lung and a few additional small polyps were found on both lungs. I also have a suspicious spot on my T8 vertebrae that is causing a painful ruckus. I am scheduled for a bone biopsy tomorrow to determine exactly what we are dealing with there. My doctor says it’s probably a traveling (metastatic) version of lung cancer but she wants to be sure, hence the bone marrow / bone biopsy.

What a kick in the gut, right? I've never been a smoker. In fact I’ve been strongly oposed to smoking (and very vocal about it) my entire  life. So this diagnosis came as a shock. 

Trust me, we are taking this thing by the horns and ready to start and WIN the battle like...yesterday!! Unfortunately, I've had to be a lot more patient than anticipated.  

But alas, here we are, waiting. And we're dealing with it, with as much hope and courage as we can muster...which is a lot...because muster is our favorite!

The AWESOME news is that I’ve had additional testing (PET scan and brain MRI) and it has NOT spread other organs. I’m deeply and extremely thankful for that and that alone has given me great hope. Prayers were answered. 🙏😇❤️

We will know more soon, including a treatment plan. Waiting is painful and difficult. Apparently my doctor won't go full guns blasting me with radiation, chemo or even your standard everyday superhero-serum until she's 100% sure of what we are dealing with on my T8 vertebrae. Patience is not my strongest virtue but I guess I can respect that. 

It's been a long couple of weeks. I can't thank my family enough for EVERYTHING. 

Brad. I can't even say your name without tearing up. You are my rock, even when you feel like crumbling. Through every doctor's appointment, every sleepless night, and the occasional meltdowns...when the minutes linger like hours and heavy as a stone, together we bear this weight as we wait and we will get through this as we've done everything for the last 20 years...together. 

Mom and Michelle. Two parts of the Italian Triangle. Triangles are the strongest form, three equal foundations of support holding strong for eachother.  There's a reason why my favorite number has always been three. 

My boys. My reason. Why I fully plan on living to be 85, thank you very much. My biggest concern through all of this is my boys. Please know, my friends & family, that we appreciate your love and support ... Keith and Kennan will reach out if and when they want to talk. That said, they do not seem ready to talk much about it right now and that’s perfectly ok. They are my world and I know they love me and are deeply worried. Brad and I will continue to help them talk about and process this as they are ready. For now, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and help us keep things as normal as possible for them. ❤️❤️❤️

Beloved family and friends (who have become like family) who have been checking in on me with love and concern, sharing the burden and lightening the emotional load. You are a true blessing. My Aunt Tiny who's been pitching in to help keep up the house through this stressful time, what a generous heart. Dad/Dee with daily check ins even if it’s just to say “no news.” Work-family who have been supportive as I've gone to doctor's appointments and muddled through the past few weeks, more than a bit overwhelmed. 

I truly have so much to be thankful for. I'm completely humbled by the love and support of all of the awesome people in my life. xoxo 

Again, the bone biopsy is tomorrow at 8:00am.
I likely won't have any more news until the end of the week, maybe not even until next Tuesday (my next scheduled oncologist appointment), but I'll try to update this site when I do.    

Sincere thanks, love and blessings to you all, always! xoxo


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