Help James Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers James’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 30 donors who have made a donation in honor of James.

Fiona O'Grady | Dec 19, 2018
Steve Anderson | Dec 16, 2018
My dear James, I just learned about your diagnosis. I will add you to my prayers and please know I'm here fo egg anything you guys might need. Xoxo
Larisa Leon De Pairault | Dec 14, 2018
With you in spirit mate.
David Bradley | Dec 14, 2018
Larry Brothers | Dec 14, 2018
Keep the thumb up James. Our French crew is rooting hard for you!
Jean Philippe Bagel | Dec 12, 2018
James! I miss you at the gym and training you! I think about you every day and I know your body is working so hard to fight those tumors off!! You can do it and I believe in you so much!!! Go James go!! I miss you and hope I can visit soon! Stay strong
Janelle Chow | Dec 12, 2018
Pat and Stephanie Cohn | Dec 11, 2018
aileen douglas | Dec 10, 2018
mike Kelly | Dec 8, 2018