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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Y'all, my heart is so full. I am so touched by all of the messages, cards, texts, notes on here, notes on Facebook, etc. that you have been sending. To be honest, I haven't even gotten to read them all yet because I can't stay awake that long. I am having quite a bit of pain. I don't know why - I guess I didn't think it through very well - but it's more than I imagined it would be. I didn't plan to take any prescription pain pills after I left the hospital. I was crazy. Those little white pills are my best friends right now. I sure as heck realize when it's getting close to time to take another one and am usually watching the clock drag it's way to the time to get there until I can have another. I hate the thought of being dependent on pills, but it's only been about 48 hours, so I think I'm still in the safe zone.

Anyway, I have been in and out of sleep since I came home. No joke, I've fallen asleep on the potty twice! It's pretty crazy. When I am awake, I am having some trouble reading or focusing on things. But I'll get there and I'll get all caught up.

My care team here at the Weiler Rehabilitation Center is amazing. This place has the cutest mascots - two dogs named Chip and Bullet. They haven't been around me, which is good, but I have heard them barking staff and neighbors. There is an adorable Nurse, Nikkie, who brings me pretty much anything I ask her for. There is a master chef, Nathaniel, who specializes in orange jello. There is also another guy who seems to serve as administrator, doctor, nurse, groundskeeper, zoo tamer, receiver, emotional support person, caterer, and pharmacist. In fact, that guy has so many roles he uses two names, sometimes going by Bert and sometimes going by Chris.

It's time for me to sleep again but the healing is underway and so far everything is going according to somebody's schedule - just maybe not mine all of the time. Even so, it's far better than it was before the surgery and I'm so happy and grateful we finally got it done. A few more days of healing and life is going to be really, really good.

I love you all. I hope I get to see and hug man of you soon!


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