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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Hello Team Isak!  

It's been quite some time since an update has been posted, so I thought the one year mark (yes, one year already) would be the perfect opportunity to catch everyone up on Isak's progress.  It has been quite a crazy year!  A year of disbelief, fear, unknowns, unstoppable tears, sleepless nights, and extreme sadness.  It's been a year of long days at the hospital, doctor visits, and many therapy sessions.  It has also been a year of prayer, hope, progress, thankfulness, and love & support from family,  friends, and strangers.  Isak has come a long way this past year, and I will share the highlights below:

The Work

Isak has worked extremely hard to strengthen his muscles, increase mobility,  restore function, and gain independence.  He goes to Fit 4 Recovery, an adaptive fitness and neurological rehabilitation program, three times per week.  He also goes to the ABLE (activity-based locomotor exercise) program at Courage Kenny three times per week.  These programs are designed to speed up recovery after a spinal cord injury.  The brain and spinal cord relearn motor patterns associated with standing and walking.  In addition to physical therapies, Isak gets acupuncture two times per week, stretching three times per week, and has had a series of stem cell injections.  He is currently going through an approval process to see if he qualifies for a spinal cord stimulator/amplifier implant.  This will amplify the signals being sent through the spinal cord.  This could help with controlling muscle spasms, increased feeling, bladder and bowel control, and movement in the lower extremities.  We are confident that this will be helpful since there are currently small amounts of signal going down to his toes.

The Progress

As you may remember, Isak's injury was at C7 (Cervical spine vertebra 7).  Thankfully he began to function at C8 and has since been upgraded to T1 (Thoracic 1) due to full function of his arms and hands.  Isak has increased his upper body strength, core strength, and balance.  He has had a slow, moderate increase in feelings and he can sometimes,  unprompted,  slightly move all the major muscle groups in his legs (more on the right than left) for a small amount of time.  Isak is extremely independent and does most things himself (besides cooking and cleaning!!!).  

The Fun

  • Get-togethers and activities with friends:  Boating, bowling, Top Golf, shooting range, flying his drone, video gaming, learning video editing software, puzzles, Lego kits, and "getting food" to name a few.
  • Reading the Bible and other religion-based books
  • Skiing in Colorado!  Isak participated in an adaptive ski program-Steamboat STARS- in February.
  • Costa Rica-Isak finally took his senior trip to Costa Rica (originally delayed due to Covid 19, and then delayed due to his accident).
  • Letters of Love Gala- As a recipient of the program, Isak was asked to speak at the Gala and share  how receiving bags full of letters, while at the hospital, brightened his spirits (especially during the time of Covid- when visitors were not allowed).  This was also a sweet memory for me.  Each day I would pull out a few of the letters and read them out loud.  As a mom, it was awesome to hear all the wonderful and funny memories kids had to share, and all the kind things they said about him!  They definitely put a smile on his face : )  The Gala took place the night before his one-year anniversary, which was a nice way to commemorate all the progress he has made over the past year.

Next Steps  

As you know, Isak was supposed to attend Point Loma University in San Diego last fall.  Although that was no longer an option at that time, he was determined to delay the plan for one year.  We supported his decision and were in communication with he school to get all the logistics worked out.  Unfortunately, we didn't feel confident that they were able to provide him with all the things that he would need.  It was a risk that Isak no longer wanted to take.  Instead, he is planning to apply to the U of M for Spring semester.  Because he was a full-time PSEO student his senior year at Normandale, he graduated with a year of college level credits.  In addition, he received college level credits from classes he took at Orono.  That being said, he will take a course or two at Normandale this fall and hopefully transfer to the U with over a year of credits under his belt.  We're guessing most of those credits wouldn't have transferred to a private school in California.  Seems like a "no-brainer"!  Also, Isak has changed his major from Engineering to Product Design, a program offered at the  U of M.  

In addition to college, Isak will be working on getting his license back!  He had a driving assessment recently, and is waiting to start his Behind the Wheel training.  Once he completes the program, we will look into getting his car modified.  Soon enough you may see him cruising around in the SakMobile!

Final Thoughts

Through all the things that Isak has had to endure this past year, his faith and positivity have never faltered.  He is an amazing young man who we are so incredibly proud of.  When people ask me (mom) how I have been able to do so well, I tell them that it's all because of Isak's positive attitude and "big picture" perspective.  If he was not strong, I would be a mess!  But I have to be strong and stay strong for him.  He inspires me in so many ways!

When I asked Isak awhile back if he was angry about what happened to him he replied, "Good things have come from this that are more important to me.  A few of my friends have found God as a result of my injury and many more have started to critically think about it,  and are open to learning more."  And when I asked Isak the other day if he believed in his heart that he would walk again someday, he said, "My faith in God will provide me with everything I need.  Whatever happens is God's will, which is the best plan for everyone."

Thank you for your past and continued love and support.  We couldn't have gotten through this without all of your thoughts, prayers, and kindness : )

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