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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Happy Friday Family and Friends! I come to you screaming It's Isaiah's 9th Birthday!!!!! I'm so happy and overjoyed in this moment that I felt the need to share!

Isaiah woke up this morning at 345am ready to start his day! He even made it in the shower before I realized it was 345am! I had to get him out the shower and back in the bed. He went to bed smiling saying I'm just so happy today is my birthday! This year instead of cupcakes for the class he wanted Dunkin Donuts and that's exactly what we got this morning. I'm also meeting him for lunch with either subway or chic-fil-a (this is what he picked). He told me I could pick which one and surprise him. He's soo happy that he legit is announcing it to everyone that he see. He had a whole crowd in Dunkin Donuts this morning giving him birthday wishes! It amazes me that we are Here! Today! Healthy, Happy and Blessed beyond measure!

Y'all I have so much peace around me that that I recently had a breakdown! Doesn't  make sense right? I know.. its something I'm working through. I've been working on sharing our story it just get so overwhelming when I think back to all that we have been through. I'm blessed to have watched my baby OVERCOME so many obstacles. He came into this world fighting. 9 years ago today.. I was in a delivery room with about 25-30 ppl giving birth to a baby boy that came out with no sounds. I didn't get to see him for the first 5 hours of his life. After Isaiah was born, they rush him out to the PCICU and that's when something in me changed forever! I prayed harder than ever before. I spoke life into everything I could not see!! Proverbs 18:21 Life and Death are in the power of the tongue! It was only recently that I learned this power! 9 years ago, I had no clue what I was doing I just knew that my baby was going to be fine even when all the odds and the doctors were saying otherwise. I ALWAYS spoke Life! 

Isaiah had his first open heart surgery at 7 days old. The Norwood, in this procedure there's a heart-lung machine that's used to take over for your baby's breathing and circulation. He was in surgery over 8 hours! There are no words that can prepare a mother before her baby goes into surgery. I remember our surgeon giving us the raw fact that there was a 75% survival rate. When I tell you 9 years ago, Isaiah changed Me... He literally rocked my world! I lost all of me that day. I went through so many emotional battles within! I fought God in my mind! I was able to see Isaiah 10 hours later with his chest still open (in case they needed to go back in) he was triple in size! He had tubes coming out from everywhere from his neck to his chest. He looked at me and I remember crying so quietly while telling him how strong he was. I told him he was beautiful! I told him I was so proud of him! I told him he was great! I remember this day clearly! I even have a video and I swear to you seeing my 7 day old baby in that situation and listening to my words.. it still shakes me to my core! There was something in me that I didn't recognize at the time. Looking back on it today I see it was the God in me!

Isaiah is my miracle baby! I'm so honored that God chose me to be his mother! Isaiah is LOVE and LIGHT! I've learned so many life lessons in the past 9 years that most adults couldn't comprehend in a life time. I always say that Isaiah was here before, he was an old man with a broken heart. When he came to me, we had to fix his heart and that would be our start! I'm happy to day 3 major heart surgeries later and the kid is no different from any other 9 year old! In fact, he's a little local celebrity! He is walking proof of the power of faith. God I give thanks to you today and always for covering my Sun! Isaiah is currently in the 3rd grade. While he loves school, he's the class clown. I'm always getting messages from his teachers about his silliness or just being in his own world while in class. He loves to make everyone laugh. He loves reading books and he's a great reader! He's now ready chapter books.. he just finished his first Junie B Jones book (it was like 7 chapters)! His favorite quote is "Readers are Leaders"... well maybe that's my favorite quote but I've drilled it in enough that he likes it too. His watchlist is currently power rangers, pj masks, and Liv and Maddie, and a bunch of these youtubers doing crazy things for entertainment. He LOVES music! He has development his first playlist and its always a hit when we play it! He loves singing and dancing too. I remember wondering if my baby will ever be able to talk because he had a trach for the first 6 years of his life and now the kid SANGS! Sometimes after school I'll let him dj in the kitchen while I'm cooking dinner and he goes into a zone.. dancing, singing, and changing to find the next song. Isaiah Loves his Family! To celebrate his birthday today he asked for all the family to come over and party at his house. He's such a simple kid and my constant reminder to appreciate all things!! He is my Sunshine!

Today I reflect on how far we have come! I'm overwhelmed with so much joy it makes me makes me cry! I want to give Thanks to all of you who have been there for me through this journey! We are surrounded by Many Angels! I appreciate every prayer that was ever sent our way! I appreciate all the Love! I wanted to share with you all that we made it! Isaiah is 9 years old! There is so much Victory in that! I needed to scream it to the world but I figured I'd start right here with the world that has been lifting us up from the beginning. Please leave a comment saying Happy Birthday to Isaiah. Later I will have him read them so he can see just how blessed and loved he is! Also, for those that wanted to send money for a gift via Cashapp please send to $ZaymarsWorld

I got a lunch date I have to run off to. Peace, Love and Blessings to everyone that reads this!

With Love
~LaToyla Nicole

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