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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hi all,

It's hard to believe we are almost at the 3 month mark since this whole ordeal started. Now that we’re officially in the month of February and with Valentine’s Day soon approaching, it seems like the perfect time to give Renee a break and write an update myself ;) Renee continues to go above and beyond in so many ways that I wanted to begin by thanking her for being the most amazing wife/mother/nurse in the world! I love you, honey, and I am so grateful that the Lord has brought you into my life. You are a blessing beyond words. 

(Ok, here it goes since I’ve now embarrassed my wife and made you all uncomfortable ;)

Since the last update, I realize that there’s been so much that has happened! The Lord has been so gracious to me/us and His physical healing of my body is just the beginning! But to keep with those updates, I’ll start with my leg (skin graft area): 

  • The pain has gotten better, and the nerves aren’t feeling as intense. If I keep moving and allow the blood to flow, it isn’t as painful as when I’m standing still. When I do stand still, it sometimes feels as if there are pins and needles going through my upper thigh and knee. 
  • Thankfully, the scar adhesions are also feeling a little better day by day, as I am not needing to take Advil as much as before. Praise the Lord!
  • Also, the blistering in my leg is slowly getting better as well, since the itchiness is not as intense as it was a few weeks ago.
  • So, overall, my leg is slowly getting better as the skin grows, and I continuously move around by stretching, walking, and doing stairs throughout my day. 
  • Praise the Lord!

As for my arm, I’ve had a few more PT/OT visits: 

  • I was fitted for a compression sleeve/glove/shirt, which will help with the edema throughout my hand and shoulder. Beginning today, I will have to wear it for 23 hours/day for the next year (see picture).
  • This should help blood flow, circulation, and “smooth out” the skin, creating a more leveled surface area on my arm. I've included a picture of what my arm looks like uncovered.
  • My OT appointments continue to go well!
    • The straightening flexibility in my arm remained about the same (4°) 
    • Yet, I gained more bending flexibility going from 125° to 128°
    • Also, I gained more grip strength in my hand going from 54lbs to 58lbs
    • Praise the Lord!

Two Sundays ago, I was given the opportunity to preach and share some of my testimony at OBCC. It’s the first sermon I had given since being hospitalized. As our church is in a sermon series entitled, “Training for GODliness,” the Lord had given me the scripture of Joshua chapter 3. “Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” (Joshua 3:5)

Before the Lord allowed the Israelites to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they were instructed cleanse themselves and follow the ark. Being “set apart/consecrated” for Godliness was and continues to be an invitation for every believer; to deny the flesh in order to truly follow God’s presence. When we repent, we begin to see and experience His loving presence in greater measure. May our prayer always be, “Lord, be magnified in our eyes. We want to see You!”

Lastly, the Lord had allowed me to visit my ER surgeon, Dr. Vana, this past Friday.  He was the trauma/infection doctor that was brought into Good Samaritan Hospital during the night of my initial surgery.  I set up this appointment since I didn’t have the opportunity to officially meet him (as I was already under anesthesia and then put into an induced coma after surgery). I wanted to thank him for all that he did during my hospitalization and let him know how God had used him instrumentally to save my life.

As soon as he walked into the room, I began to well up. He was hospitable, gracious, and encouraging even though I was a crying mess. He was happy to see me looking so good and healthy! I showed him my arm, and he let me know that everything looked great and that he expects me to have a full mobility! 

I then proceeded to ask him what had happened to me during that time of my hospitalization. He described to me, in detail, the seriousness of the situation and how he went about getting out all of the bacterial infection from my arm. He even showed me pictures of what they uncovered -- it was pretty hard for me to look at. The infection looked terrible... 

He mentioned that I showed all the symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis/flesh-eating, sepsis, septic shock, etc. The situation didn’t look good. I actually got to see what was underneath the surface of my skin. The pus/infection around my elbow was quite large, and there was infection throughout the circumference of the arm itself. He said that many other doctors would have amputated without question. But he didn’t. He wanted to first see how my body would’ve responded to the initial skin removal. I started to cry again… and then I thanked him for making that crucial decision. 

After they had cut the skin off to remove the infection, through God’s provision and my overall physiology, he said that my body responded positively! Once stabilized, he then quickly made the phone call to Dr. Poulakidas for skin grafting surgery (Stroger - Chicago). He knew Dr. P would be the right guy to help my specific case. Then, off to Stroger I went! And the rest is history…

Overall, it was an emotional appointment. It was good for me to hear from him directly. I thanked him again, and proceeded to share with him again of how God had strategically given him wisdom for my situation. We hugged and took a picture together before I left (see photo). He said I could call him anytime if I had any other questions or needed any other follow up. 

God is so good! And I’m still testifying of His provision and faithfulness. “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!” 🙌❤️ Thank you all for your continuous love, encouragement, support, and most importantly, prayers! (James 5:16) Love you all! 

For His glory!


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