Help Howard Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Howard’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 38 donors who have made a donation in honor of Howard.

Joyce Horsley | Apr 2, 2018
I can't give enough to let Caring bridge know how appreciative I am of what they do so that we don't have to drive the family crazy with calls and questions.
Smokes | Apr 1, 2018
Mac DeLoache | Mar 31, 2018
Dear Howard and Elizabeth, Asking for prayer is not needed at this end. But we do appreciate knowing the specifics. Love, Caroline and Lem
Caroline Stevens | Mar 31, 2018
Craig Hodges | Mar 30, 2018
I have your family on my thoughts and I pray each day that Howard gets stronger and stronger. Natalia
Natalia couto | Mar 30, 2018
The message of Good Friday, to be followed by Easter has special meaning, this year, to Howard's family and friends! We are so grateful to the Divine Healer. To Him be the glory!
The Grimball family | Mar 30, 2018
Howard, I am glad you are doing better. Mary and I have been away for a couple of weeks, but returned last night. We have tried to keep posted and are grateful to CaringBridge and to Tom. With love and prayers, Lee and Mary Barfield and the family
Lee Barfield | Mar 29, 2018
Praying for a speedy recovery Kim Looney | Mar 29, 2018
Tom Wylly | Mar 28, 2018