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Apr 07-13

Week of Apr 07-13

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Consider it pure joy brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that testing of your faith produced perseverance - James 1:2-3

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him - James 1:12

Lucas, my sweet boy, you persevered and gained a well deserved crown and no doubt gorgeous angel wings. 
I hope to one day understand “the bigger picture” of Lucas’ cancer and his death but for now I remain completely heart broken. The pain of losing your child is exquisitely hard, devestating might be a better word but the thought of never knowing Lucas if far too painful to ever conceive. Because dear Lucas you were a complete joy and abundant light to all that knew you. Your dad and my heart grew greater than we knew possible the moment we met you. 
We were blessed with the amazing task of loving you all 314 days that you lived on this earth. We are so greatful to have known your beautiful soul and create wonderful, joyful memories that we will treasure always. Buddy, we miss you terribly but we will be okay. You enjoy your beautiful, pain free body and heaven with your two doggies, Gracie and Sammie. We love you so very much. Come visit us sometime 💕🦖🦕

I want to thank everyone who has been apart of our journey whether personally involved or just reading along these entries. Thank you for praying along us and rooting for Lucas’ well being. We needed that support both then and now. We are truly grateful. Do us a favor and enjoy the small stuff. Give your loved ones an extra hug. Smile at a stranger. You don’t truly know what another person is living through so be kind. And if you see a Dino randomly, maybe it’s Lucas saying hi. We’ve had lots of sightings lately. Love you all 🧡🦕🦖

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