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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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It has been a long time since my last post, but today is a special day! T-Day (aka Transplant Day) three years ago.

Three years ago today, on a snowy day that shut down public transportation in his German hometown, my DNA twin sat for five hours with both arms outstretched, giving his stem cells so that I might live. This stranger saved my life. This fall, I got an email from the National Marrow Donor Registry saying that my donor had agreed to provide his contact information.  Soon after that, Brian and I met over FaceTime with Mr. T (he desires to remain anonymous). He spoke fluent English and we had a long conversation. He relayed how his father drove him an hour away in the snow to the donation center. He kept saying his gift was minimal. Through tears, we tried our best to convince him otherwise and express our gratitude. His gift was life-saving for me. He retold about the phone call he received in January 2021 stating that an international woman was a match to his DNA and was in emergency need of his stem cells. Since a relative of his had needed stem cells, he was more than willing and agreed immediately. He is a husband, father, and teacher....and hero.  

On our end, I was hours away from having to undergo another week in the hospital with another round of chemo to keep the leukemia at bay while I waited for a stem cell transplant. If Mr. T had not answered the phone or if he had been unwilling, my story could have been much different. In so many ways along this journey, we have seen how God has never left us and has gone before us into the unknown, preparing the way for us to follow Him. Three years later, I am doing well. I will always have some long-term health issues, but we are thankful for each day and for the great medical staff by our side. 

The last three years have taught Brian and me many lessons, one of which is to celebrate life and not to take it for granted. We want to live life to the fullest not wanting to waste this gift of time. Brian has been by my side through it all. He has carried my fears with me. He has listened closely to all the doctors. He has sought to remove weights from me. He has celebrated every milestone and loved me and our kids so sacrificially through this journey. He has been the hands and feet of Jesus for me in unexplainable and innumerable ways. I'm so thankful!

This weekend, our church hosted DNow. It was fun to reflect on the 30 years since my first DNow, which was the same year I began my journey with the Lord, and on these last three years since T-Day. Our church, Hunter Street, is a gift to Brian and me. It is through our church and the amazing people in it that I have grown deeper in my relationship with Jesus! I want to live my life as a "thank you note" for all He has done in me. To God be the Glory! 

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