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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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The Journey Begins
May 1st, 2019 will always be a significant date to me. I had felt tired, edgy, and frumpy. 

Late that afternoon, I went to the restroom and discovered I was spotting.  Having just turned 63 years old, this was a huge surprise, so I ask, “What in the world is This?” Taking big slow breaths, I calmed myself down and decided to wait 24 hours and see what would happen. Fortunately, I had a few pads at home to get me through the next several hours and prayed for wisdom.

The following morning, I was having a full-blown period.  My thought, “Are you kidding me Lord?” In my sassy, hormonal tone I continued, “Now listen Lord, if you are going to take me back to the days of my youth, I would like to have my hair color back and my body back.” As I laughed out loud shaking my head.

Knowing this was probably something that needed to be addressed right away, I called my neighbor, a nurse professional, and ask for an OBGYN recommendation.  Immediately I called and got the first appointment available, which was two weeks away. UGH!

Meanwhile, I waited and prayed…all while spotting and resting in God’s peace.

Through several months of eventful Doctor appointments with the OBGYN, and an OBGYN Oncologist/Surgeon an ultra sound revealed that there was a mass on my right fallopian tube and surgery was needed.

August 20th, surgery was performed and the mass was removed. But a total hysterectomy was needed due to finding cancer in the uterus lining. Five lymph nodes were tested and only one was positive. Therefore, ALL cancer was removed. Praise God!!!

God Sets the Stage for Healing

Two weeks prior to having surgery I received the book Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan Rubin.  A gift from Trinity Broadcasting Network, to which I regularly contribute to.  Little did I know this book would help me in the process of staying clean from cancer.

God also strategically placed a friend in my path who was taking classes to become a Health Nutritional Practitioner. Kelly, began taking classes so she could help her two sisters with their cancer journeys.

Two weeks after surgery a follow up appointment with the Oncologist took place.  She recommended a very aggressive Chemo-Treatment.  Why?  Because that is the only treatment they know to do for this type of Ovarian Cancer.  You see only 1% of women are diagnosed with this and ALL patients are recommended the same treatment due to very little research, (even as a preventative).

My response to the Doctor …” Oh I will be praying about this.  I need to consult the Great Physician about what He would have me do.”  Well, you could have heard a pin drop in the room because obviously, she had not heard that response before.  With her eyes as big as saucers, she said, “I will need to know your answer in two weeks.”

Biblical Side Notes to My Thoughts

God’s word tells us in 2 Chronicles 16: 12-13 “In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease.  Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord’s help but turned only to his physicians. So, he died in the forty-first year of his reign.”

Important?  I think so.  In fact, I had to ask myself, why would the God who created everything on this earth, knowing every number of hairs on my head (Luke 12:7) including my uniquely complex body, not be included in the most important decision concerning my health?  (Psalm 139)

So, I prayed and ask for more of God’s peace, direction, clarity and wisdom in the coming days. 

The Decision… Not to do Chemo and take steps of faith to rely on God to show the way in staying healed from this disease.

A Whole New Lifestyle Change

Through much prayer and encouragement from God, friends and family, I read the book by Jordan Rubin and started eating a whole new way.  The first several weeks were difficult with my body adjusting to this new way of eating but now I love it.  I feel great and have more energy.  YES!!!

In addition, Kelly, the Health Nutritionist introduced me to drinking distilled water, bone broth, taking enzymes, and healthy oils and supplements good for the body.  What a Praise!

The Moment of Truth

January 6, 2020, my three-month appointment with the Oncologist was scheduled.  Walking into the office I was a bit nervous but excited to see what the results would show.  The Nurse Practitioner did a brief exam followed by blood being drawn for the CA-125 test.  (A measurement of the protein in the blood)

The next day I received a phone call from the doctor telling me my CA-125 was very elevated and a CT-Scan was needed ASAP. 

Though I was concerned, I had a peace that God had this.  In fact, God ask me to read Daniel 1-3, the story about Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, friends of Daniel from the tribe of Judah.  All captives from Jerusalem.  God fearing men who chose to eat food that was clean and continued to worship the one true God.  Yet in chapter 3 we read, King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue and wanted everyone to bow down to it.  But Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, chose to stay true to their one true God and only bow down to Him. The king took offense to this and threw them all into a blazing furnace. Yet God protected them.  They came out of the furnace unharmed, unsinged, and did not even smell of smoke.

You see even though we may eat right and worship the one true God we will still have fires to go through.

The CT-Scan was scheduled for January 15, 2020.  Meanwhile…I prayed, fasted and cleansed my heart for the next 8 days.  The day of the procedure, I told the Lord, “Father, please use my body for your glory.  But I ask that you show off BIG.” So, with that said, I envisioned the machine as my fire and God was right beside me just like the story in Daniel 3. 

I waited 12 days for the results with no phone call from the doctor, so I called and left a message that I would like to know the results.  The receptionist called back at the end of the day and told me the CT-Scan was clear. “Praise God!” I told her.

The Unexpected Gift of Blessing

Shortly after the phone call I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I’d like to you go to the Second Sale Consignment shop and buy a ring to commemorate the fire you have gone through.”  “Ok Lord, I will.” I responded knowing they are closed for the day. A couple of days later, God reminded me to go and purchase a ring.  With time on my hands that afternoon, I hopped in the car and drove to the shop.  

“Lord, my only request is that it fits my finger.  Otherwise show me what you would like me to purchase.” I said.

Entering the door of the shop, I immediately went to the jewelry area.  As I looked into several showcases, I spotted a ring with a fiery glow.  The sales person offered for me to try the ring on. 

I slipped the ring onto my finger and to my surprise, it was a perfect fit.  “Wow Lord, this must be the one.” I whispered.

While I purchased the ring, the sales clerk ask, “So is there a special reason as to why you are purchasing the ring?”  I smiled and said “Yes there is” and shared my testimony.  I also told her God stills does miracles today and the ring represents the fire you go through with Him.

As I arrived home with the ring, I wanted to learn more about the stone.  It is a Carnelian.  It is listed in the Bible 5 times.  Three times in the old testament and two times in the new.  Carnelian means, fire, strength, courage and encouragement.  The stone was placed on the breastplate of the priests and is listed as one of the stones for the twelve tribes of Judah.

My thoughts, “Lord, you just showed off to the Doctors and Nurses and now you have shown off to me.  What an unexpected gift of blessing.  A blessing of being healed and unsinged.  Thank you!”









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