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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hi Everyone,
I’m sorry I haven’t written an update for awhile.   We are sooo grateful Harrison hasn’t needed to be readmitted to the hospital!  The past few weeks have been filled with dr appts, lab work, therapy sessions, trying to catch up on our rest and sleep and figuring out our new normal routine.   We had a quiet Christmas and were thankful Kenzie, Nolie and my mom could be here with us.❤️  The message for our Christmas Eve service was on peace…a gentle reminder that He came to give us peace and hope not just at Christmas time but for each and every day even on our most difficult days when we are going through hard stuff…He is our hope, our joy and peace…it was so comforting and just what my tired heart needed🙏❤️🙏
Our Brave Harrison is continuing to do well overall but the drs are continuing to watch his weight and his lab work closely.  His legs continue to feel weak and he still gets tired easily.   He is working hard to get stronger in PT with our awesome  physical therapist! 😉❤️  His feeding tube came out accidentally the day after Christmas and we were concerned they would need to put it back in but so far he has been so brave and is taking his meds by mouth again!!!🎉  He still isn’t drinking enough fluids yet but he is trying hard and we are monitoring things closely so he doesn’t get dehydrated.  
He still doesn’t eat until the afternoon/evening nor is he able to eat much at one time but we are just thankful he is eating some things!🙏We are also thankful his pain is much better and we were finally able to wean him off of the strong pain meds!  🎉🎉🎉  Harrison and I are actually up at RMH again tonight as he has another MRI under general anesthesia tomorrow am to check on everything.  We continue to be so grateful for this special place where we can rest and be closer to the hospital especially in these snowy and COLD conditions!  Brrrr it’s currently -20 with the windchill! 🥶    Please pray Harrison will continue to drink and eat enough so we can leave the feeding tube out…please pray his labs continue to normalize and for the MRI to give helpful insight and wisdom to the drs to help him as we go forward. Pray the pocket of fluid around the pancreas goes away completely so it doesn’t need to be drained.  We hope you all had a blessed Christmas and your New Year is off to a great start.  Thank you for continuing to pray for us and encouraging us…we continue to be blessed and humbled how God has continued to care for us through you all…we can’t thank you enough!          ❤️🤗❤️

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