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May 12-18

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Menopause is a natural process of the body, which every woman experience at some stage of her life. During this period, women have to go through a lot of physical and medical changes in their body due to the swings in hormone levels. Many women may suffer from unpleasant experiences during this period such as insomnia, mood changes, and hair loss.

Hair loss appears to be different in women than men. Unlike men, women experience overall thinning from the top, sides, and back of the scalp and it is also called as diffuse pattern hair loss. Experts at hair transplant Dubai clinic suggest going for non-surgical treatment for such a hair loss condition.

How does hair loss occur during menopause?

Recent studies reveal that the real cause behind menopause hair loss is hormonal changes, which lowers the production of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones help in the growth of the hair and once their production is stopped or lowered, it greatly affects the hair growth, ultimately causes hair loss and hair thinning.

When the production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, it hinders the increase in production of androgen, which is a male hormone. Androgens kill the hair follicles on the scalp resulting in hair thinning. On the other hand, androgens encourage the growth of facial hair. Thus, the women with menopause may get plenty of thick hair on their facial skin.

While hormonal changes are the main trigger point of this type of hair loss, there are many other factors that can play a part in causing hair loss or hair thinning during menopause such as stress, improper diet, and other illnesses.

How prevent?

Hair loss may disturb your self-confidence and self-esteem, but the condition is not permanent and there are certain ways you can get rid of it. Here are some tips on preventing hair loss during menopause.

Reduce your stress

It is essential to keep your stress level in check, as the increase in estrogen level can cause changes in mood, depression, and anxiety. Trichologist in Dubai suggests doing yoga and other relaxing exercises in order to release the stress.

Keep a good diet

Diet has a direct impact on hair growth. Eating healthy and nutrient-enriched diet is the key to enhance your hair growth. Some essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, iron, and zinc are fundamentals blocks of hair In the case of the deficiency of these nutrients, your hair may not grow and fall-out.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is necessary for your body’s normal functioning. Just as nutrients are necessary for the hair follicles, so as the water. While hair follicles require enough amount of water to grow new hair, the dehydration may lead you to hair loss.

Look for treatments

Although you may need to undergo a hormonal replacement therapy in order to balance our hormone levels, the lost hair can be restored by undergoing a suitable hair loss treatment. Hair transplant Dubai clinic allows you to talk with your doctor before the procedure so that you can select a suitable remedy for your particular hair loss condition

Therapies for Hair Loss Treatment - an Effective means to early Solution

Book a FREE Consultation

If you are a menopause and hair loss sufferer and seeking for the best answer to these problems, don’t hesitate to book a FREE consultation with us. You can do by just filling an online form on our website.

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