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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

Greg hasn't added requests yet
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The name ‘Testicular Cancer’ freezes the heart of any man, but it is one of the most treatable cancers.   It has a very high cure rate… If treatment is undertaken early and aggressively.   It can happen to any man regardless of age.  Ask my fiance, Greg Cohen.  He recently received the devastating news that he has this form of cancer despite no history of this in his family.  He is asking for HELP in fighting this potentially life-threatening disease.   PLEASE read our story and HELP by sharing it with your contact and donating whatever you can.  Thank you - you will be helping to save a life!  

My name is Alice and I created this fundraiser for Greg Cohen.  Greg has had a series of medical issues over the past 18+ months that have prevented him from working and have created a huge financial burden.  The  costs have  been overwhelming -  well in excess of $100,000 for extensive and painful sinus and throat surgeries.   Now
he is facing more surgery and treatment for testicular cancer

Fortunately for Greg, the cancer was caught at a relatively early stage but it is still a life threatening condition  -  and he needs IMMEDIATE surgery in order to save his life.  He has great doctors who are working diligently toward a  successful outcome but we do need help.  Although insurance covers a portion, there are additional        expenses that must be paid BEFORE the actual surgery is performed.  The cost of the diagnostic and surgical
treatment for the cancer requires a large co-pay (about $50,000 plus the cost of follow up and monitoring).    

In spite of the costs of his earlier medical conditions, we were able to manage the co-pay requirements until this latest setback.   As a result of the expenses of the past couple of years, we have exhausted our savings and retirement funds; we have borrowed from family and friends and sold all of our assets, including Greg's cherished sports memorabilia  collection.  Additionally we have taken out loans personal loans to help with the costs.  Now,  even though he hates to ask for it, Greg really needs additional help in fighting this disease.  We are asking for help to pay the required co-pay for this surgery and the follow up care.  

Here is a picture of the healthy Greg.  He is a wonderful man, a great father and partner and means so much to his   family and friends.  He is positive that the good doctors and excellent hospital in our area will all work together for a positive outcome.   He enjoyed a successful career in finance prior to becoming ill and is looking forward to returning to his chosen field.  The immediate goal is the co-pays so he can have the cancer surgery and follow up treatment as soon as possible and then to pay back all the loans that are outstanding.   The long term goals are to have him return to health and live a normal life, re-establish our financial footing and be able to pay-it-forward to others.IF you are able, please donate for the medical bills including hospital, surgical costs and follow up care.  Each donation, regardless of amount, is another step toward the goal of his recovery and is  appreciated more than we can say.  If you are unable to contribute monetarily, well wishes, prayers, and good thoughts will help - (or help out a friend or neighbor).   Please share this story with your friends and contacts with a comment asking for their assistance.  Everyone who helps us in any way will be remembered in our thoughts and prayers. 

Please help cure this loving father of three and thank you so much for your help.

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