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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Mom finished her latest round of treatment last Friday, and is enjoying resting up and recovering at home (though I know she’s wishing she had more energy, and missing being able to see her friends at Aqua and BBR and church!) We’ve been loving having her home, especially for little moments like giving Clare her milk before naps/ bedtime, reading Clare stories, or enjoying dinners together outside. (Mom, Nathan & Dad are also trying to learn how to play starfarers of catan! From what I heard it’s still a work in process…) Mom also got another wig (cheap, but cute!) that we think looks pretty good! She was joking “am I going to have more fun now?” because the wig is blonde. 😅 We are missing Aunt Sharon, who went back to California last week. 

And we also have a very special update directly from mom (Allison)!:

“I am sorry to inform you that my dearest little sister, the one who has guns, is not a match for my transplant. I will learn more about timing for transplant after next bone biopsy. (Currently scheduled for June 28th). Let's just say after 2 times of NO, I’m not feeling confident in being in remission. It must also be that since this is the third go around, that's the reason the "can't move faster than a sloth on Benadryl" has already set in. Argh! Slowing down is good to make one stop and smell the roses, but I'm not even supposed to do that!!

When you joke with the transplant doctor that receiving a donated kidney sounds easier, and he says Yes, since it’s not dealing with an entire system of the body, you start getting nervous!!

Remission is the goal, and they will do all treatments available first, before doing a transplant with any of the little buggers left. If none of those send me into remission, they would still do the transplant. It has a much better chance of success if remission is reached first, since it is the hardest leukemia to treat.” -Allison

As always thank you to everyone for your prayers and support - for meals and cards, and checking in with mom. I know it means a lot to her even if she hasn’t had the time and energy to respond to everyone. She’s started a little card wall on the mantle at home and it definitely helps to remind her how loved she is!

~Bethany (and Family). 

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