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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Hey everyone, it’s been a minute since I wrote on this blog. This week has been going good. Nick set up the Christmas tree and decorated the house for Christmas. It has brought me a lot of joy! I will say though, when I realized that I saw my specialist only 4 days ago, that made me wanna cry because it feels like it’s been ATLEAST a week. 

I was given permission last week to start adding a LITTLE extra activity daily. Which truly means just showering more, and getting up more to get snacks and food. The whole point of that was to see how my cervix held up. This morning, I woke up with extreme back pain. After going to the bathroom, I noticed a lot of blood. Very scary feeling. I woke Nick up and said, “Not to alarm you, but we need to go the hospital.” He was so sweet how he shot out of bed and got dressed in 2.4 seconds and we were out the door. Thankfully, my dad spent the night so he was already here with Selah so we didn’t have to worry about childcare. 

All my doctors are at Shady Grove so we had to do the lovely 270 standstill traffic which felt like forever. But we made it in by 6:45 and by 7:15, I was already on a monitor and seen by a nurse. We also know the charge nurse so she came in to say hi and to see how we were doing. It felt good to see a familiar face! They sent me down for a sonogram to check on Naomi, the placenta, cervix and uterus. I definitely bled a lot more after the sonogram, so that felt unnerving. But let me tell you, Shady Grove is FANTASTIC! Everyone and I mean everyone is so kind, nurturing and sympathetic. My nurse Gen took amazing care of me and checked on me a lot. I kept asking to eat because I was starving but she told me I couldn’t incase they needed to do surgery but the MINUTE the report came back, she came in with a big box of yummy goodies. There were these CUTE bug bite snacks that tasted amazing! I saved the other bag for Selah’s lunch on Thursday for school because I know she will love them. I also, found a 20 pack on Amazon for $13 and bought them…. Don’t tell Nick. It was an impulsive buy haha!! 

Anyways, the report came back that I have a blood clot in my placenta. There are a numerous reasons  why this could of happened. But my specialist, Dr Hamersley, believes it happened due to the emergent cerclage placed the other week and also adding extra activity this week. So, guess who is back to strict bedrest :(

Although I am so thankful we have a reason behind the bleeding, it still sucks. The sonogram tech and I were talking about how it’s crazy some women can have a stress free pregnancy and just go to their scheduled monthly appointments and then there are others, like me, who are seen consistently and have issues almost weekly. Don’t get me wrong, I am FOREVER grateful for the ability to carry a baby. But, it’s not easy. It’s very stressful. I am constantly worry about Naomi, about Selah, about Nick not getting enough sleep, and about my dad working full time and coming over almost daily to take care of Selah on the days Nick works. It’s ALOT! I worry about their mental health, about their stress level and making sure they are okay and not getting burnt out. If you see them, please ask how they are and give them a hug. I know they need it. I feel so guilty just laying on the couch. I feel guilty asking for snacks and drinks throughout the day. I feel guilty not being able to do anything. I was so HOPEFUL that my body was going to hold up this week with extra activity… but it didn't. And now, I’m back to being on strict bedrest. 

Thank you to EVERYONE who has brought us dinner, sent donations, Venmo’s, gift cards etc. We can’t tell you how much RELIEF it brings our family. Truly. Not having to worry about dinner is a huge huge blessing and I know it helps eliminate some of Nicks stress. 

We love you all and are so thankful for your prayers and kindness for our family. Naomi is LOVED and we can’t wait for her to meet all the special people in our lives.



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