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Mar 10-16

Week of Mar 10-16

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Hello everyone. It's been a few weeks since I've put any update on this website. I want to share three important things:

First, I want to wish all of the fathers a Happy Father's Day. I am especially thankful this year to be a father, and to be alive. When you go through a life threatening disease or situation like I did, it really causes you to reflect on your life and your responsibilities. I'm very thankful to the Lord for my four children, two sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren, and pray I can continue to be a great father to them.

I like the term grandfather, and even more so great-grandfather. I'm not a great-grandfather yet, but I want to be a GREAT and GRAND father. Great in the sense that I am leading by example, and setting a spiritual standard for my family. I believe I have done that pretty well in the past; but am committed to do an even better job in the future, with God’s help.

My father passed away several years ago at 92; but I am thankful to God for my father. And there were several other great men of God in my life that “fathered” me spiritually. Many have passed on, and a few are still alive today. I thank God for these men that influenced me spiritually. I’m, in part, a product of these men and the ministry that they gave to me. The Clayts, the Cecils, the Wilkersons, the Ravenhills, and the Warnocks have passed on; yet the messages they proclaimed and the standard that they set still ring in my spirit and even guide my life today. I am grateful and thankful for these men of God. I desire to aspire to be this kind of father to those in my life, both to my natural family and to my spiritual family.

It requires two things: first, to continue to go deeper into the Christ and His word; and secondly, to have the opportunity to speak into peoples lives. May God help us.

There is such an attack on marriages, parenthood and natural relationships today. But I'm thankful for the standard that God clearly set 6000 years ago when he ordained marriage and parenthood. It is a privilege and an honor to be a father. And although my four children are grown and on their own. I pray I can still be a true father to them, in a place of counsel and spiritual leadership.

Second, I want to give an update on my health. A week ago they did a CT scan on me, and it showed no signs of cancer. Last Tuesday my surgeon did a scope of my bladder, and there were no signs of any cancer. Praise the Lord! I am cancer free and thanking God for his healing power and for the prayers of God's people. I am truly grateful, especially to all of you, that have been a part of this journey, followed my healing progress, and truly prayed me back to health. I sincerely thank you and pray God’s special blessing upon you for your faithfulness in standing with me during this time. I will continue to do checkups several times a year, but know that God has delivered me, and am looking forward to many more years of serving him and serving others.

Finally, I want to make you aware of a new blog website that I just launched. It's I just announced it just this past week; and am very excited about it. It's something that I've thought about doing for many years, but it was this CaringBridge platform that really encouraged me to move forward with it. Besides being able to easily communicate and update people on my cancer progress, it allowed me the opportunity to really express my faith and trust in God during the process. I thought about just continuing using CaringBridge for future ministry, but then decided to start a whole new website in a very similar format.

This new website/blog will allow me to continue to post my various writings and thoughts, along with other links to other websites, videos and links that I believe are important for people to know about, especially with all that's going on in the world today. I hope you will check it out and SUBSCRIBE to it so you can receive updates whenever I submit a new post.

I will continue to submit a post here whenever I have any medical update. Again thank you for your prayers and being a part of my recovery. God bless you.

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