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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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9/16/2020  - 9/24/2020


Thanks for keeping by our family and keeping both of the Garrets' families in your prayers. We are  so humbled and thankful for Garret B's recovery so far. We knew this would be a hard journey once we were notified of the accident but to say that it has been devastating isn't enough - there aren't words. Please know again we are so thankful for your continued prayers and support and that both families feel the love.


The last week for Garret has been positive. He has been moved out of acute care and into the rehabilitation unit of the hospital. He is medically stable as far as his injuries go which is great!

He is making continued strides towards recovery. We are a LONG way from a full recovery, and to be completely honest don't know what his new normal/baseline will be like.

He continues to have improved communication and function as far as memory but it's obvious that there is still a ways to go and he has lapses at times.  

Garret has been able to have some awesome time outside of the hospital walls, at the park and walking around the hospital grounds. This is GREAT for morale to get outside both for Garret and his family who is able to visit.

As far as his neck and arm injury he has both a neck brace still obviously to secure the rods that were placed. This will be required for an undetermined but long time. He was fitted today for a new arm brace to secure the elbow fracture. See picture below! They're calling it his new bionic arm!

He is looking better and better, up and walking and able to get around more easily thanks to intensive physical therapy, occupational therapy and even some speech therapy.

Garret being a type 1 diabetic complicates recovery a bit as well as they are trying to manage his insulin levels. This has been a bit of a battle but not totally unexpected as his have been a bit volatile his whole life. Pray they find a balance in keeping him stable!

As expected they are working on pain management and finding a good regimen to keep his pain down and keep him able to sleep at night. This is always a battle with injuries like that and even just extended time in a hospital bed! If you've had the opportunity to stay a few or a lot of nights in a hospital you know the people buying them aren't the ones sleeping in them, or they'd be way better!!

They are already discussing Garret's discharge plan and what it looks like. We are unsure yet what and when it is but the fact that it's being brought up already indicates that he is doing well and moving upwards on this uphill battle to recovery.


Thank you again for your continued support and prayers.,


Author: Terra Beilby (Sister in Law)

Editor: Kyle Beilby (The Favorite Brother) ....... haha ;)


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