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Oct 04-10

Week of Oct 04-10

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  Hello purple nation and prayer warriors!!

    I know, it’s about time, and no I haven’t forgotten about you all!! So the last time I updated back in October we had just gotten Gail home from the manor, things were going pretty well for the first 2-3 weeks. About half way into November she developed some diarrhea issues, we didn’t dare do too much or go anywhere for the next 2 months. I did get her in to see her doctor in the first part of January, with blood and stool samples showing negative we were told to increase her fiber to help bulk up her stools, that wasn’t working. In the mean time I had been working with some friends and other remedies to help with symptoms. In the last 2-3 weeks we have found that the main culprit is gluten, sorry but I struggle with gluten-free, I like bread——a lot!! So Gail is gluten free and that issue is for the most part a lot better to under control. I don’t know if I want to have a full diagnosis done, it appears to be just an intolerance and not celiac disease. Talk about some very frustrating times!!!! I’m not going to put any details  on here for you but it was pretty crappy- - - - with an “s”!!!!  Praise God we were able to get through this to!!!

  Gail was able to walk on her own without the walker by Christmas!! It seems pretty small at this point but we are still grateful!! With the decrease in activity and diarrhea issues she still used the walker for safety purposes, just easier to get where she needed to be!! So now it’s time to increase the activity again and I only allow her to use her walker at night to go from the bedroom to the bathroom. It’s also been nice to get her out of the house a little, we’ve been to a few basketball games and to church, if it’s warm outside she does go for walks! She does like to take her walker with if we go somewhere to use as a chair.
  So we’re coming up to one year of the day when this all started, we were in StCloud last Friday for Gail’s one year appointment with Dr Kennedy, he was all smiles again!! Quite happy with her progress and ability to walk without a walker, he did some testing with her eyes and found that the nerve in her right eye is starting to work again!!! This a huge praise item!!! We remain hopeful that she has full recovery with her eyes working properly and maybe needing a new prescription not surgery or special glasses with prisms to help with the double vision. Praise God for all of he progress she has had to this point!! I don’t believe she is done yet! With her age, time is definitely on her side!
  In May we go back for another appointment, Dr Kennedy wants to have another MRI of the damage area. Prayer item!!
                    His will,His way, always!!

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