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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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In the stillness of the last few days there have been a lot of tears that have fallen on the pages of my journal. My emotions are so raw and the thoughts that race through my head are so intense, I have found it hard to even concentrate on life's tasks. Even though I have never felt so emotionally exposed before I also have no desire to hide any of it. We loved Rebekah and Charlotte with all those same intense emotions and I'm grateful for every moment I had with them. Saturday many of you came to the funeral and stood along side of us and shared those same emotions with us. I am so thankful to all who took the time to come,send messages and made phone calls to let us know you were thinking and praying for us. My brother did an amazing job at eulogizing the girls. He not only highlighted what they meant to us but also what we meant to them💕it was beautiful. To those of you who held us and offered comforting words it was healing balm to our hearts, so thank you. Although we are a month into the process of grief and loss it is far from over and we need your continued support and prayer for the days and months ahead. Jack is still healing physically and it will be a long road for him he still has many things to overcome. Averie and Jack need your prayers. This is something they will never "get over" and they can't. This is a life that will be filled with moments they can't share with their mom and sister they will need the love of family, friends and community to surround them not just now but at the benchmarks that come in life. They will need encouragement and our strength along the way. The waves of grief don't make an appointment they just crash over you unexpectedly there is no way to prepare yourself. We will have many days like this,many days when words can't even describe how we are feeling. I know one thing we have "Elohim Shama: The God who hears" I know God has heard every tear fall and every cry and groaning in our sadness and he is close to us in our broken heartedness. I know even in tragedy he hasn't changed his position of love towards us. In John16:33 it says "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation;but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world"

We have been given an opportunity to choose a life in Him through John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

"Everlasting life" that is what gives us assurance in seeing the girls again some day in Heaven💕That is where our peace comes from. God and God alone💕

Again thank you from my family to yours. God Bless💕

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