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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Greetings from Texas,
 The single dose of antibiotics cleared up my UTI. I am so thankful to the Lord that it did so!

 Though I am now experiencing the after-effects of the antibiotics. I have additional peripheral neuropathy, unusual bleeding, easy bruising, strong spasms, and hand-shaking.  The shaking of my hands seems to increase as the day goes on, which makes eating dinner problematic.  Tonight's dinner and even lunch kept falling off my flinging fork. It also makes painting impossible right now.  The spasms cause all the air to be suddenly pushed out of my lungs and joints of my legs and hands are stiffened.  The spasms then make it difficult to drive my electric wheelchair.

  Will these pernicious side effects be permanent?  I pray not!  Only the Lord knows for sure. It is beyond my pay grade to know. What I can tell you is I miss painting & driving while spasming could potentially result in an injury from running into something.

The additional side effects that I'm experiencing are unusual bleeding, easily bruising, and I have a crater in one of my fingernails. I am using and doing everything that I know to heal from the antibiotics that my body really doesn't tolerate well and all I've found with the antibiotics is what I'm allergic to. The unusual nail growth is a side effect of the antibiotics that I was on (a large number of them early on) of my accident.

 The other thing happening down here is the solar eclipse in Dallas, Texas.  Dallas seems to be The Place to watch the solar eclipse because it has the longest time of the complete covering of the sun at 4 minutes 42 seconds.  The region is expecting millions of people to be coming from around the world to see this phenomenon in the sky. Probably because the next total solar eclipse doesn't happen until 300 years from now. They were expecting many hundreds of thousands to be here in the Paris, Texas region and we do not have the infrastructure to support that inundation. That becomes an issue for me in a couple of ways one is that Michael will not be able to visit because there's no guarantee that he can get gasoline to go home. Every hotel, motel, & campsite in a 50 mile radius is booked up and has been for over a year. I  We have been advised to prepare for outages on cell & electric services, and food stuffs to cover 2 weeks.  My miniscule refrigerator and even tinier, of course, freezer will not hold 2 weeks worth of food and I am not able to eat what they serve here because I'm allergic to eggs and everything has eggs it.  That is if and that's a big IF the facility is able to even get deliveries because there will be traffic jams of the wazoo. Everyone and their uncles will be using cell service so they're expecting the cell towers to go down.  So on top of not getting any visits I can't even call anybody, nor contact them via internet because that is through our carrier for my phone.  And people are spending 100s & 1,000s to get here, stay here and now we're expecting cloudy skies.  Churches and schools are selling parking slots for 20 and 30 dollars each. Some people with large portions of property are selling camping sites for $100 and up per night. Schools will be out of session because they don't think the buses will be able to get through. I don't know how many churches will not meet because it's the day before the eclipse. They are calling all police officers & sherif deputies on duty for that weekend as well as having called out the National Guard.  Michael got this information directly from some of his law enforcement friends so it's not hear say its oh my word its gonna be a travesty say.  They have a number of tankers standing by full of gasoline solely for law enforcement.  Even if and that's a big IF Michael could visit there's nowhere for him to be able to buy any meals because restaurants and all eating places will run out of food quickly for so many people.  This will also affect the facility's ability to get necessary supplies that we need, diapers, wipes, medicine, etc.  Even the 2 lane Highway 271 in front of our home in Snow, Oklahoma is expected to have traffic lining both sides of the road and there is not a lot of shoulder on either side of the road.  Some of these out-of-towners will probably try going off-road and up into the mountains (I laugh at that because they're only 2000 feet high. I came from WA with Mt Rainier which stands 15,000 ft tall, Mt Hood, & infamous Mt St Helen's which are some hundred feet shorter) to give a better view and away from the traffic, buuuutttt the roads are not marked and they could be stranded up there for who knows how long because they're not marked, there's no or spotty cell service up there, and they have nary a clue about the rattlesnakes, copper heads, & the all of the nasty buggies and beasties and who knows what else is up there... plenty of stuff to eat them though... wild hogs (very large -  800 lbs & up, angry, disgusting beasts that will eat everything except the hair & teeth. They root in pastures & meadows causing large, long troughs that wreak havoc on tractors and other farming and ranching equipment),  bears, cougars, coyotes, & wolves.  The wolves and coyotes have intermixed and have created a hybrid that is dangerous and it is very spooky to have your home surrounded by these things and be howling at night... 

We feel it prudent blockade the U-shaped driveway in order to keep people from accessing the property and trying to park there.   Michael is unequipped to handle a large influx of people to the property, there is nowhere for them to go potty and he certainly doesn't want to have to pick up all their trash that they will be leaving behind.

Please pray that we can figure out meals and all of the other stuff.

Love you all, Evelyn Mae 

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