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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It is with profound sadness and a broken heart that I write the following words. Edmond, beloved son of Tyler and Emily, big brother to Elliott, unexpectedly but peacefully passed away at the tender young age of 19 years old on December 9th, 2023. 

At the family’s request, I started this CaringBridge page for them. This way, they can share updates to family and friends when they are ready and able. They know how much Edmond was loved and adored and that people will want to know how they can help be there for the family.  More information will be forthcoming once the family can take a moment to catch their breath and absorb some of the initial shock of the last few days. 

In the meantime, they asked me to share a few memories I have of Edmond. Knowing how difficult the days ahead will be for the family, CaringBridge is a great outlet for people to reach out to the Hamiltons to share their Edmond stories, fun adventures, favorite Edmond quotes, pictures and/or fondest memories. Although we cannot take away the pain and sadness this wonderful family will endure, we can try to comfort them with the wonderful memories we have.  I would encourage anyone with a story to share to comment below so when Tyler, Emily, and Elliott have a moment, they can log on and feel the love, support, positive energy, and thoughts and prayers surrounding them during this unimaginable time. I know it is what Edmond would have wanted for his family. 

Here are just a few memories I would like to share: 

My husband David and I have known the Hamilton clan for almost twenty years. We have known those boys since they were in diapers, long before we became actual neighbors. Living across the street from the Hamiltons was such a pleasure and we’ve loved seeing the boys grow up over the years. As parents, there are just certain children (besides your own of course) that you root for in life and the Hamilton boys are and always have been at the top of our list. 

To say Edmond was a sweet, loving, respectful, kind hearted soul doesn’t even begin to encapsulate his essence. I will always associate this bright boy with his love of baseball and his love of music.  I have many fond memories of hearing Edmond play the drums, practicing at home, and yes, I actually did keep our windows open from across the street; he was such a joy to listen to! It is not hyperbole to say it is because of Edmond my son Mason is a percussionist. Edmond gave him his very first set of drumsticks and drum pad years ago, which Mason still uses to this day. 

To know the true measure of the young man Edmond turned out to be, you only have to look to his parents to know how amazing he was. Tyler and Emily have always been there for us at every turn, never asking for anything in return while also, at the same time, always seeming to know exactly what we needed (sometimes even before we did). There was Christmas Eve, 2009 -- I was on bedrest with the twins; the Hamiltons came by for dinner and some much needed company to keep our mind off our worries.  And one year, for Thanksgiving, my son Miles (who was really sick at the time) and I were stranded alone at the hospital for an overnight stay;  the Hamiltons dropped off Thanksgiving dinner so we didn’t have to eat hospital food that night. I could go on and on ...this is just a few examples of the many times and over many years we have seen the Hamiltons step up and help out, always thinking of others, always doing what is right. It is no wonder their boys have grown up to follow their lead.

There is another memory of Edmond I have that now has, with recent events, become quite profound.  One afternoon, I received a phone call from Tyler, explaining Edmond had a special project for school. His assignment was to talk about someone he admires. Tyler explained for Edmond, that person was my son Miles, who is both on the autism spectrum and a cancer survivor who had to have a liver transplant at 3 years old. He asked if we could come outside and take a few pictures with Edmond for his project to which of course, we happily agreed. 

I can’t help but rehash that moment now in my memory, looking at it through a completely different lens. Now, when I think of this moment, it doesn’t surprise me in the least to learn one of Edmond’s final acts of selflessness, of giving onto others and putting out love into the world, was that he was an organ donor. I was told it was one of the first decisions and actions he took when he became an adult.  In a small part maybe due to him knowing Miles and his story, but mostly, I believe it’s because Edmond had parents who taught him well and showed him through their own actions how to be a good, kind, decent human being. 

Finally, I’m attaching one of my favorite pictures of Edmond, hiding under a table. This was taken at Miles and Mason’s 2nd birthday/pajama party. I have many pictures of the Hamilton boys from this day, running around, playing hide and seek with my boys, and just having fun. It is another memory I will now cherish and will forever be etched in my heart.

Edmond, you are truly a hero and an inspiration to us all. I know your parents are, and always will be, so very proud of you. You have made the world a better place in more ways than you could have ever possibly imagined. You will be incredibly and deeply missed by those lucky enough to have known you. Tyler, Emily, and Elliott: We Fisks are here for you like you have been there for us, time and time again. You are, after all, our honorary Texas family. We love you guys! 

Love David, Kathy, Miles and Mason 


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