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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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A year ago yesterday I sat in Dew's hospital room googling 'Multiple Myeloma', a cancer that I had never heard of before, and now would be required to become intimately acquainted with.  The start of a trial I wanted no part of. It's been the hardest event either of us has ever gone through. And it's been a blessing.  

Really. A year ago I didn't think I'd ever say that. But it's true.

Not because it became easier or suddenly ended.  Neither of those are true.

But because God graciously revealed Himself to us in ways we'd never experienced before. He was with us at every moment. He carried us when it was too hard to keep going. He showed His kindness and generosity through His people in countless and wonderful ways. He provided for every need at just the right time.

A year ago yesterday I reflected on this verse; on an evening in a hospital room when joy seemed lost:

James 1:2-4  Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in  nothing.

Along the way, joy was found. Actually, it was never lost, just hidden behind the dark clouds of fear and sorrow.  When we remembered that God was faithful,  and that He never fails, the clouds would part and we would bask in the truth of His word and His character. I'd like to be able to report that, though this verse is truth, my  steadfastness can still at times be shaky, but God has used this trial to refine both Dew and I; to make us more like Jesus.

And that was one of my prayers all along. 

And today, a year later, just this afternoon, yet another prayer was answered.

We just left Dr. Van Rhee's office. Dew went in for his 3 month scans and bloodwork on Monday. Dr. Van Rhee is a man of few words, by the way, so when he does have something to say it is meaningful. Today when he entered our room he looked at Dew and said,

"You're doing very well. You are in remission. That's good.  I'll see you again in six months." 

Then we listened to him quietly  dictate his notes and he used the term, stringent remission, in his analysis.

My heart sang. I like the sound of the term, stringent remission.

At this milestone, we are celebrating God's kindness, mercy and grace to Dew, and to me, over the past year.

Probably with a green smoothie. 

And it will taste more wonderful than ever before.

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