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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Today makes two weeks since Donna took that header down the stairs of our garage, and our lives were changed in that instant. These two weeks have been a blur. They have been a roller coaster of emotions. From where she was two weeks ago, and thinking that she might never move her right hand or right leg again, to today, and seeing her standing (with help), and moving that leg and regaining dexterity in her right hand more every day, we feel very hopeful. We have to keep reminding ourselves that this is going to be a long journey, and we still don't know what all she will be able to fully recover. But we do know that our God is Faithful. He was faithful before she fell, he is faithful as she is lying in her hospital bed next to me sleeping because therapy wore her out today, and he will be faithful tomorrow, whatever that may bring. Before she went to sleep she asked, "Den, what was that song we sang the first time you were in Honduras?" That was almost fifteen years ago, and it was my first morning in Honduras, less than twenty-four hours after arriving and we were worshipping in a Spanish speaking church and the worship team led the song "This is my desire, to honor you". I had led this song many times at camp, but this time, a feeling came over me I can't explain, tears started flowing, and I told her that I thought God was leading us to Honduras, which He did. So I brought the song up on YouTube, and we listened to it together, and the tears flowed again. It is so easy to sing those words, "Lord I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I live for you alone. Every breath that I take, and every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me". We have sung those words maybe hundreds of times. Do we mean them? Does He have my WHOLE heart, my WHOLE soul? Do I live for Him alone? Do I really mean Lord "have Your way in me", if that way means watching your wife suffer like I have had to for two week now? With the tears flowing as I type these words all I can say is if this is the way He has chosen for us to bring Him more Honor and Glory, then we will find the joy in this way He has chosen for us. James 1:2-4tells us:
Count it all joy, my brothers] when you meet
trials of various kinds,
for you know that the testing of your faith
produces steadfastness.
And let steadfastness have its full effect, that
you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
It isn't the easy times when all is going well that tests our faith, but it is when the trials come. That is when the rubber hits the road. It is my prayer that this trial will continue to strengthen Donna's and my faith, the faith of our children and grandchildren, the faith of all of you who have been so kind in your expressions of love and support to us, Most of all we want this trial to be a means to have people see the reality of what it truly means to have a relationship with the One who loves us, and gave Himself for us, and we want Him to be Honored and Glorified through it all.
PS. Keep praying, as we have not heard whether the insurance company approved Donna's inpatient rehab here at Froedtert, and probably won't until Monday now. That gives us all weekend to pray for that approval. Thanks!!!

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